Copy Billing Address to Clipboard

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This feature is reached by selecting EDIT and ADDRESS COPY OR PASTE from the Menu Bar. Additionally, you can also activate the speed menu while your cursor is in the Bill-to or Ship-to blank on the Main Invoice Screen.

This feature is available on Level 3 programs and above.

(This feature is also available in Billing Statements by selecting EDIT and COPY BILLING ADDRESS TO CLIPBOARD.)

The Copy Billing (or Shipping) Address to Clipboard feature copies either the Billing or Shipping Address to the clipboard.  Once copied to the clipboard, you can use the address in other programs.  For example, let's say you need to write a letter to one of your customers.  First copy the address to clipboard in AnyOrder!.  Then start up your word processor program.  Open a new document, paste the address to the top and write the letter.  Using this method saves time and assures you that the address is correct.

If your word processor will print envelopes or labels, you can also use the clipboard to transfer the address or addresses to the appropriate template in the word processor.  And, you can use the clipboard to print labels from special label printers.  For more information, refer to the documentation that came with your word processor or label printer.

For complete details on copying and pasting addresses, see Address Copy & Paste

To access the function, select EDIT >> ADDRESS COPY OR PASTE >> COPY BILLING ADDRESS TO CLIPBOARD.  Or, select EDIT >> ADDRESS COPY OR PASTE >> COPY SHIPPING ADDRESS TO CLIPBOARD.  The function keys F5 and F6 will also accomplish the same thing.