UPS Worldship:
How to Use With AnyOrder

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The Advanced Export feature in AnyOrder includes a pre-made profile for exporting to UPS WorldShip.  The Export feature is reached by selecting FILE >> ADVANCED EXPORT from the Menu Bar on top of the Main Invoice Screen.

Before you can use the UPS WorldShip profile, you need to make sure that you have activated Shipment and User Defined Fields (FILE >> ACTIVATE SHIPMENT AND USER DEFINED FIELDS).

You also must have filled out the appropriate information on the Shipment Form for one or more of the invoices that you wish to process in WorldShip.

When you use the pop-up list (on the Shipment Form) to enter "Shipper and Shipping Service" and "Type of Packaging," make sure that "Export - UPS WorldShip" is selected.  This assures that service and packaging wording is exactly the same as found in the WorldShip software.  (AnyOrder comes with this information already pre-loaded in the Shipment and Package database, and unless UPS changes the terminology in a future upgrade, you won't have to worry about it.)

Before using UPS WorldShip with AnyOrder, you need to run through some preparatory steps.  You'll only have to run through the process below once.  When you are finished with it, you'll be able to realize the benefits of using AnyOrder along with WorldShip.  Among those benefits are printing shipping labels, scheduling pick-ups, and directing UPS to send an email notification to your customer.


Getting Ready.  Step 1: Create an Export File.

To move data from AnyOrder to UPS WorldShip, AnyOrder creates a file name UPS_WS.txt.  The file is placed in C:\AnyOrder\My_Files directory.  (You can change this if desired, but the information below assumes you'll be using the My_Files directory.)

We need to start by creating UPS_WS.txt with the data from one of your invoices.  Follow these steps:

1. Start up Advanced Export by selecting FILE >> ADVANCE EXPORT

2. Select UPS WorldShip from the Profile List

3. Change the directory to C:\AnyOrder\My_Files

4. Make sure the "Current Invoice Only"is selected

5. Click on "Start Export"

This will create UPS_WS.txt and place it in C:\AnyOrder\My_Files.  We'll use it in a minute.


Getting Ready.  Step 2: Configure Windows.

Next, you need to set up something called an ODBC DSN connection.  Don't worry about the strange acronym.  What this does is to configure Windows so WorldShip can find UPS_WS.txt.  Just follow the steps below.  (Once you do this, you won't have to worry about it again.)

1. Click the START button on the Microsoft Windows desktop. Then click on Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears.  (Note: on some versions of Windows you may need to click on "Settings" first then the Control Panel.)

2. Double-click on Administrative Tools.  Then double-click on Data Sources (ODBC).  (Note on some versions of Windows, you will double-click the ODBC (32 bit) Administrator icon in the Control Panel).

3. The ODBC Data Source Administrator window appears.  Click on the "System DSN" tab.  Then click the "Add" button.

4. The "Create New Data Source" appears and lists available ODBC drivers on your system. Select the "Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv)" and click the "Finish" button.

5. The "ODBC Text Setup" window appears.  Type in "AnyOrder Data" in the Data Source Name box.

6. Remove the checkmark from "Use Current Directory" checkbox.

7. When you remove the checkbox, the "Select Directory" button will appear.  Click the "Select Directory" button and browse the directories to "C:\AnyOrder\My_Files" and click the OK button.

8. The ODBC Text Setup window reappears.  You should now see "Directory: C:\AnyOrder\My_Files."  Now click on the "Options" button.  Then click the "Define Format" button.

9. Select the name "UPS_WS.txt" in the upper-left corner of this window.  Place a checkmark in "Column Name Header."

10. That's it.  Click OK once, twice, and finally one last time to exit the ODBC Administrator.


Getting Ready.  Step 3: Prepare UPS WorldShip.

Now we need to get UPS WorldShip ready to accept UPS_WS.txt.  That's done by creating what WorldShip calls an Import Map.  An Import Map is basically the same as what AnyOrder calls an Import Profile.  It tells WorldShip where to place the fields coming in from UPS_WS.txt.  (You only have to do this once.)

1. Start UPS WorldShip

2. Select IMPORT/EXPORT DATA >> CREATE/EDIT MAP from WorldShip's menu. (If you have an older version of Worldship, the menu choice is UPS ONLINE CONNECT >> BATCH IMPORT)

3. The "Create or Edit an Import or Export Map" dialog box appears.  The lower half of the dialog box is used for setting up a "New Map."  That's what we want to do.  Follow these steps:

A. Select "Import from ODBC Database."

B. Click the down arrow in the drop-down box and select "Shipment."

C. In the Name box, type in "AnyOrder Data."

D. Click the "Create" button.

3. The "Select an ODBC Source" window appears.  Select  "AnyOrder Data"  from the list. Then click OK

4. The "Edit AnyOrder Data Import Map" window appears.  

5. In the upper left hand corner, click on down arrow and select "UPS_WS.txt" from the list.  Then click on "Define Primary Key for Import" button.  You'll see a small "key" icon show up beside "UPS_WS.txt."  That's what you want.  (Clicking the button once makes the "key" appear, clicking it again makes the key disappear.  Before leaving it, make sure the key is visible.)

6. On the left box, you'll see "CUST_NO."  You'll do something similar to the step above.  Click on it so it is highlighted.  Then click on the "Define Primary Key for Import" button.  You'll see a small "key" icon show up beside "CUST_NO."  Before going to the next step, make sure you see a key beside "CUST_NO."

7. Now you'll notice that the left side of the Edit Import Map window displays the names of the fields in UPS_WS.txt.  The right side displays the WorldShip data fields.  What you'll be doing is connecting the fields in UPS_WS.txt with the corresponding WorldShip field.

8. In general, here's the procedure that you'll follow:

First you'll select a general category of UPS fields.  That done by selecting from the "Worldship Fields" drop down box located on the upper right of the dialog box.  The first general category that we'll use is "Ship To."  You can select that now if you want.

Once the general category is selected, you make the connection.  First select a field in the large box on the left side of the screen.  Then select the WorldShip field on the right side of the screen.

When the two fields are selected, click on the "Connect" button.  A little figure-8 symbol appears beside each field to indicate the connection.  Also, you'll notice a new line in the lower box displays sides of the connection.

With that general explanation, we're ready to make the specific connections shown below.  (You'll notice that a couple fields from AnyOrder are used in two places in WorldShip.  That's quite all right.  Just go ahead and make the connections as shown.)


9. From the drop down box on the upper hand corner, select the general category: "Ship-to"

(Make the following connections.  Select the name in the left box.  Then select the name in the right box.  Then click "Connect."  If you make a mistake you can click "Disconnect" and redo the connection.  Remember to select "Ship-to" in the upper right hand corner first.)

Cust_no  >>  Customer ID

Company  >>  Company or Name

Contact  >>  Attention

Address1  >>  Address1

Address2  >>  Address2

SCountry  >>  Country/Territory

Zip  >>  Postal Code

Cit  >>  City or Town

St  >>  State/Province/County

Phone_no  >>  Telephone

Residence  >>  Residential Indicator


10. From the drop down box on the upper hand corner, select the general category: "Shipment Information" and make the following connections:

Contact  >>  Notification Recipient 1 Contact Name

Company  >>  Notification Recipient 1Company or Name

Service  >>  Service_type

Notify RS  >>  QVN Ship Notification 1 Option

Notify RS  >>  QVN Option

Email  >>  Notification Recipient 1 Email

NO_Pkgs  >>  Number of Packages

Your_Ship_Email  >>  Notification Recipient 2 Email

Nofify_RD  >>  QVN Exception Notification 1 Option

Nofitfy_RD  >>  QVN Delivery Notification 1 Option

Notify_SS  >>  QVN Ship Notification 2 Option

Notify_SD  >>  QVN Exception Notification 2 Option

Notify_SD  >>  QVN Delivery Notification 2 Option

Your_Contact_Name  >>  Notification Recipient 2 Contact Name

Your_Company_Name  >>  Notification Recipient 2 Company or Name


11. From the drop down box on the upper hand corner, select the general category: "Package" and make the following connections:

Packaging  >> Package Type

Insure_Val  >>  Declared Value Amount

LBS_Only  >>  Weight

Reference1  >>  Reference 1

Reference2  >>  Reference 2

PKG_Length  >>  Length

Pkg_Width  >>  Width

Pkg_Height  >>  Height


12. When you have made all of the connections listed above, click the OK button.  Then in th next dialog box, click on OK again.  UPS OnLine WorldShip saves your import map.  Everything is all set now.  You won't have to repeat any of the above.


How to Do a Batch Import in UPS WorldShip

Now that you've finished all the preparations, you're ready to do an import.  Here's how to do it.

1. Select IMPORT/EXPORT DATA >> BATCH IMPORT.   (If you have an older version of Worldship, the menu choice is UPS ONLINE CONNECT >> BATCH IMPORT)

2. From the list of Import Maps, select "AnyOrder Data."

3. Click on "Next."  A message will come up telling you how many records will be imported.

4. Click on "Next."  WorldShip will do the import.

5. Click on "Save."

To find the imported records, select WINDOW >> SHIPMENT HISTORY. (In older versions of Worldship look in the "Pickup Log" under "Imported Shipments.") On the left-hand window, look for "Imported Shipments."  If there's a "+" sign, click on it to view a list of the imported customers.  To view one of your imported records, highlight it on the list and select ACTIVITIES >> EDIT/RECONCILE SHIPMENT.  You can then check things over and make any final adjustments before printing out shipping labels and scheduling a pick-up.  (Note that menu choices could change in the future with new versions of WorldShip.  See WorldShip's help system for the latest information.)

That's it.  That's all you need to do.  Using this method, you can import dozen's of records.  Compared to the on-line shipment processing features in AnyOrder, the UPS WorldShip export feature is a much quicker way of processing a batch of records.  You'll want to consider it if you use UPS as your shipper.

A quick review. Once you've done the import, to view the imported records in UPS WorldShip:

1. Select WINDOW >> SHIPMENT HISTORY. (In older versions of Worldship look in the "Pickup Log" under "Imported Shipments.")

2. Click on the + beside Import and you'll find the imported shipment information.

From here it's just a matter of following normal procedures in WorldShip.  If you need help, refer to the documentation that comes with the UPS software (look for the information on "Batch Processing."