Export Invoices (Basic)

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The Basic Export feature is reached by selecting FILE >> EXPORT INVOICES (BASIC) from the Menu Bar.  (Note that another more extensive export feature is available in the Advanced Edition of AnyOrder).  Export provides you with a way moving data from AnyOrder into other programs.  If you have a third party credit card processing program, you want to use this part of AnyOrder to transfer credit card information into your processing software.  An export feature is also available to sales data into other programs.  For more information, see Sales Reports.)

The Basic Export dialog box consists of four basic parts:

1. Current Drive/Directory.  This is the current Drive and Directory where the export file will be placed.  You can change the directory by clicking on the button "Change Directory."  For your convenience, AnyOrder will remember the directory the next time you use Export.

2. Enter a File Name. Type-in a name you want to give to the export file.  You can leave off the extension.  AnyOrder will automatically add the correct extension for you.

3. Records to be Exported. Select from the several options on the list.

Select Records from a List. If you choose this option, when you click OK, AnyOrder will provide a list (in a spreadsheet format) of all of your invoices.  You can page through the list and select those records that you want to export by clicking with your mouse on the appropriate row.  When you click with your mouse, a "Y" will appear under the Y-Column.  This means that YES, this record will be exported.  An "N" means the record will not be exported.  To change from a "Y" to "N" click again with your mouse.  When you are finished selecting records, press OK and the all records marked with a "Y" will be placed in the export file.

Current Record Only. If you choose this option, only the current record showing on the Main Invoice Screen will be exported.

Use a Filter to Determine Which Records are Exported. If you choose this option, when you press OK, the Filter Invoices dialog box will appear.  In the blank on top of the dialog box you can enter a filter formula or choose one of the options at the bottom of the screen.  Only those invoices which are filtered will be exported.  For more information, see Filter dialog box.

Export All Records. If you choose this option, all of the invoices in your file will be placed in the export file.

Credit Card Export. If you choose this option, when you press OK, AnyOrder will provide a list (in spreadsheet format) of all invoices with a credit card number. You can page through the list and select those records that you want to export by clicking with your mouse on the appropriate row.  When you click with your mouse, a "Y" will appear under the Y-Column.  This means that YES, this record will be exported.  A "N" means the record will not be exported.  To change from a "Y" to "N" click again with your mouse.

If you are moving the export file into a credit card processing program, you may find that your processing software requires that the slashes be removed from the expiration date.  If that's the case, place a checkmark beside "On Export:  Remove Slashes from Expiration Date."  Before exporting AnyOrder will remove the slashes from the expiration date field.  When you return to the Main Invoice Screen, you'll notice that the slashes have been removed, and the expiration date will now appear as a 4-place number.  That's fine.  AnyOrder can work with a 4-place number or the MM/YY format.

When you are finished selecting records, press OK and the all records marked with a "Y" will be placed in a special credit card export file.  (The fields placed in this file and the order of placement are explained in Export File Field List.)

4. Export As (File Type)

From the list, select which type export file you wish to create.  For details on each of the file formats, click on the link:

Text--Comma Delimited (txt)

DBase File--Version IV (dbf)

System Data Format--SDF (txt)