Customer Command Center

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This is an AnyOrder 6 - 7 feature.

The Customer Command Center (available in Levels 6 and 7) is reached by clicking the "CC Center" button found just above the Notes area at the bottom of the Main Invoice Screen.  Or it can be reached by selecting MAIN TASKS >> CUSTOMER COMMAND CENTER.


General Information

The Customer Command Center gives you a customer-centric view of invoice activity.  The Customer Command Center works only with customers that you've assigned with a customer number (see: Customer Database).  These are usually your active customers, and it's the active customers with which the Command Center is most useful.

If you begin on the Main Invoice Screen and the current customer has a number, when you open the Customer Command Center, it will display the customer.  If the customer hasn't been assigned a number, the Command Center will default to the first customer in the Customer Database.

On the Command Center dialog box, you'll find basic information about the customer and a list of that customer's invoices.  If desired, you can move the list of that Customer's invoices to a spreadsheet program for printing purposes.  To move the list, select FILE >> VIEW/PRINT INVOICE LIST FROM SPREADSHEET.

Life Time Value (LTV)

Life Time Value is one of the important functions of the Customer Command Center.  What is Life Time Value?  Basically, it's the total amount of sales during all of the years that you have been providing products to that customer.  It's often abbreviated LTV or CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).  The use of life time value places importance on customer service and long-term customer satisfaction, rather than on maximizing short-term sales.  Customers will high LTV's are vital to any business, and you may find this information very useful in business planning and marketing.

The nice thing about the Customer Command Center is its ability to give you a snapshot of your overall activity with certain customer.  But in addition to a visual view, you can also quantify it by use the LTV.

There are several LTV tools which are available for your use:

Updating LTV's. To update the current customer's LTV, click on the "Update" button.  AnyOrder will look through all of the customer's invoices from the first to the last and total up the sales.  You can also update all of the customers in one process.  To do that, select TOOLS >> UPDATE LIFE TIME VALUE (ALL CUSTOMERS).  AnyOrder will run through all of the customers in the Customer Database and update their LTV's.

More Details. For more details on LTV, select TOOLS >> LIFE TIME VALUE DATA.  This brings up a dialog box which shows how the Total Life Time Value figure is calculated.  (The Total Life Time Value figure appears on both the Customer Command Center and the Customer Database.).

Accounting For Customer Sales Before Using AnyOrder. If prior to using AnyOrder, you had a sales history with the customer, you can take these additional sales in account to derive the Total Life Time Value figure.  First bring up the Life Time Data dialog box (TOOLS >> LIFE TIME VALUE DATA).  Then click on "Unlock" and enter the total amount sales that you had with the customer before you started using AnyOrder.  When AnyOrder calculates Total Life Time Value, it will add all the sales in AnyOrder to any previous sales.  Note, also, that when you import customers in the Customer Database, you can import their previous life time value.

Other Customer Command Center Functions

Here's a list of other functions found in the Customer Command Center:

View/Edit Customer Database. You can't change customer database fields in the Command Center.  However, if you need to change something, click on this button and it will take you to the Customer Database screen where you'll have full editing capabilities.

Go to Customer on Current Invoice. The Customer Command Center can run in a separate window from the Main invoice Screen and you can move back and forth between the two.  Let's say, under this configuration, that you change to a different invoice on the Main Invoice Screen.  If you then move to the Command Center, you can display the customer currently showing on the Main Screen by clicking this button.

View All Ordered Items. By clicking on this button, AnyOrder will create and display a list of all items that you have ordered from the customer.

Search Customer List. Click on this button to search the Customer Database.  Once the customer is found, it is displayed in the Command Center.

Customer Look-up List. This brings up a list of customers.  Select from the list, and the customer is displayed in the Command Center.

Find Invoice. If a customer has a long list of invoices, you can locate a particular invoice by entering the number and clicking on "Find Invoice."  If you are trying to find an invoice using the Alternative Invoice number, type the number in the second blank (Alt Invoice #) and click on "Find Invoice."

Create a New Invoice for this Customer (New). If you click on this button, AnyOrder will create a new invoice with the name and address of the current customer showing in the Command Center.

Select a invoice from the List Above (View). When you select an invoice from the spreadsheet and click this button, AnyOrder will move you to the Main Invoice Screen and display the invoice for you.

Go to the Main Invoice Screen (Go). This allows you to move from the Customer Command Center to the Main Invoice Screen.  You can return again by clicking on the CC Center button just above the Notes area.