Void Invoice

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For accounting purposes, it's important to have a record of all of your invoices. Missing invoice numbers throw up a red flag to anyone who is doing an audit of your records.  Thus, the program will not allow you to delete an invoice.  If you fill out the invoice form and later find that you can't use it, then use the "Void Invoice" feature.

To access it, select INVOICE TOOLS >> VOID INVOICE from the Menu Bar at the top of the screen.  First a message will appear that asks you if you're sure you want to void it.  If you say yes, the invoice will be voided.

An invoice is considered voided when it has ···· INVOICE VOIDED ···· in the Billing Name blank and the catalog numbers are removed.  The remaining address and any other parts of the Invoice Screen will remain as they did before you voided it.  As long as "INVOICE VOIDED" remains in the Billing Name and the catalog numbers are removed, the invoice will not be used in any other processes such as inventory, billing or annual sales. If you manually delete INVOICE VOIDED, then the invoice becomes an active invoice again and will be figured in sales figures and other processes.

AnyOrder places the billing name of the voided invoice in square brackets in the Notes area.  That comes in handy if you decide to remove the voided invoice (described next).

If, for some reason, you need to remove the voided status of an invoice, you can do so manually as mentioned above, but you can have the program do it quicker.  Select INVOICE TOOLS >> REMOVE VOIDED INVOICE.  The invoice will become active again.  The name stored in the Notes area will be restored to the Bill to blank.  Note that you'll need to re-enter catalog numbers if you plan to use the same products in the Item Area.

It's important to point out that the Billing Name blank can not remain empty.  If nothing has been entered, and you try to move to another invoice, the program will stop and display a reminder message saying that an invoice is not considered valid until at least something has been entered in Billing Name.  At this point, the program will give you a chance to type something in--or it will allow you the opportunity to abandon the invoice.  If you say YES (abandon it), and the invoice is located somewhere before the end of the file, the invoice will be voided.