Adding New Invoices

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You can add a new invoice in one of several different ways.  Start at the Main Invoice Screen and select GO TO >> NEW INVOICE (Blank Invoice) from the Menu Bar.  Another is to select MAIN TASKS >> ADD NEW INVOICE from the Menu Bar.

A common way of adding a new invoice is to go to the last invoice in the data file. You can do that by pressing the "Last PO" button (below):


Once you are at the last invoice, press Page Down on your keyboard.  The program will ask if you want to add an invoice.  Select YES and a blank invoice form will appear on the screen.

Still another way to add a new purchase order (for Level 6 & 7 users) is to start at the Customer Command Center and click on the "New" button.

When you add a new invoice, the day's date will be inserted in the Date blank and the Invoice Number will be automatically incremented.

You can gain access to several time saving features, if you select GO TO >> NEW INVOICE. from the Menu Bar.  When you use this menu choice, you have several additional options from which you can choose:

New Blank Invoice. This adds a new blank invoice.  Short cut: CTRL+A

Copy Address to New Invoice. This inserts the billing and shipping address showing on the current invoice to the new invoice. Short cut: CTRL+1

Copy Item Area to New Invoice. This inserts the products showing in the Item Area on the current invoice to the new invoice. Short cut: CTRL+2

Copy Address and Item Area. This inserts the billing and shipping address and the products showing in the Item Area to the new invoice. Short cut: CTRL+3

Copy Invoice Message to New Invoice. This inserts the invoice message (the message showing between double curly brackets {{ }} to the new invoice. Short cut: CTRL+4

Copy All (Except Item Area) to New Invoice. This copies everything, except the Item Area, from current invoice to the new invoice. Note: this also copies the information from user defined and shipment fields (if you use either of them). Short cut: CRL+5

Copy All to New Invoice. This copies everything from current invoice to the new invoice. Note: this also copies the information from user defined and shipment fields (if you use either of them). Short cut: CTRL+6

This is a handy feature if you issue a series of invoices with the same product, same billing name, or same invoice message.  Just position yourself on an invoice with the information you'd like to transfer to the new invoice, and select one of the above menu options or use the short-cut key.

(Note about Real Time Inventory.  When using the above procedure to add products to a new invoice, no inventory checks are done in the Level 4 and 5 programs, but if Real Time processing is turned on, the Level 6 or 7 program will check available inventory as the new invoice is created.  If inventory levels are low or out-of-stock, the appropriate warning message will be triggered.)