Creating Zip Files in AnyOrder

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At several locations in the program, AnyOrder will create zip files.  Zip files are convenient since they are compact and can hold any number of files.  They are also quite portable, easy to move from one directory to another, or to attach to an email.

Whenever you have the choice to create a zip file, you'll be able access to the "Zip File" dialog box by clicking on the "Zip File Set-up" button.


The Zip File dialog box is used to configure the zip program that you use with AnyOrder.  Normally, you don't have to worry about changing the settings, but if you like to tinker with your computer, the following information may be helpful.


AnyOrder comes with the Freebyte zip program.  We have chosen Freebyte since it can be controlled by other programs through something called a command line interface.  We'd like to express our appreciation to Henk Hagedoorn, a professional programmer from the Netherlands, who developed this outstanding zip program and offers it at no charge.  Please visit the Freebyte website for more information on Freebyte and other Henk's other marvelous programs (

Note that the Freebyte program may not work with all operating systems, and if you would like to create zip files, you may wish to use a different program.  More on that below.

There are several other zip programs that can be controlled through a command line interface.  Among those is WinZip.  In fact, AnyOrder includes a set of default values that you can select should you decide to use WinZip as your main zip program.  If you use WinZip, you'll need to purchase WinZip Pro.  And you'll also need to install Winzip's free "Command Line Support Add-on."  WinZip is available from:

The First Time You Use a Zip File

To create a zip file, there really isn't anything special you need to do.  AnyOrder will automatically use the Freebyte zip program.  The very first time you create a zip file, AnyOrder needs confirmation that you want to accept the default values.  Doing that is quite simple.  All you need to do is to open the Zip File dialog box.  Then close it.  That's it.  This accepts the defaults, and you are ready to create zip files in AnyOrder.

Changing to WinZip

The Zip File dialog box is used should you decide to change the zip program that AnyOrder uses.  One choice that you have is to change from Freebyte to WinZip.  WinZip is a popular program which has the ability to zip files directly to a CD.  If you do decide to use WinZip, you must purchase WinZip Pro and download the free "Common Line Support Add-on."

Install WinZip Pro and Common Line Support on your computer before making any changes in AnyOrder.  Then when you are ready, bring up the "Zip File" dialog box.  To make the switch to WinZip, click on the "WinZip" button.  The default zip program will now be WinZip.

IMPORTANT:  You should check to make sure that AnyOrder has indicated the correct location of the WinZip program (WZZIP.EXE) and the unzip program (WZUNZIP.EXE).  If you've installed WinZip to directory other than C:\Program Files, you'll need to make the appropriate changes.  You can use the "Browse" button to locate WZZIP.EXE and WZUNZIP.EXE and paste the correct path in the blank.

After you make the switch, you should run the "zip" and "unzip" tests.  Start with the zip test.  Message boxes will guide you through the process.  If the zip test is successful, move on to unzip test.  Once again message boxes will guide you through the process.  If the WinZip passes both tests, you are ready to use it as your zip program.

Other Zip Programs

You are not limited to Freebyte and WinZip.  AnyOrder accepts other zip programs.  The zip program you select, however, must have command line capability.

Before making the change, install the new zip program on your computer.  Once it is installed, bring up the AnyOrder's "Zip File" dialog box.

In the "Zip Program" blank, indicate the path to program's "exe" file. (That's the file which runs the zip program.  For example, if you use WinZip, the program "exe" file is WZZIP.EXE.)  If the zip program you've selected uses a different program for unzipping purposes, indicate the "exe" program name in the "Unzip Program" blank.  If the unzip and zip program are the same, just re-enter the path and "exe" name as found in the first blank.

Next, look carefully at the documentation that comes with your zip file program.  Command line interfaces include one or more parameters which control the zip process.  Find out what parameters you'll need to zip and unzip files.  You should try out the parameters before entering them in AnyOrder.  To do that, you can open a DOS window or you can use START >> RUN.  That allows you to practice with the command line interface and make sure you've fully worked out all of the kinks before using AnyOrder.

One piece of information that will be helpful to know is the process AnyOrder uses to create a zip file.  To create zip files, AnyOrder uses something called the Transfer directory.  The Transfer directory is a sub-directory found at: C:\AnyOrder\Transfer.

Before creating a zip file, AnyOrder clears out any files in the Transfer Directory.  It then moves the files to be zipped to the now empty Transfer directory.  The zip program is activated and is instructed to zip all the files in the directory.

Unzipping works in a similar manner.  AnyOrder starts by clearing out the Transfer directory.  It then unzips the individual files contained in the zip file and places them in the Transfer directory.  Once the individual files are in the Transfer directory, AnyOrder then moves them to its main directory.

Once you are confident that you can create zip files (and unzip files) using the command line interface, you'll want to enter this information in AnyOrder.  The parameters are typed in the white boxes on the Zip File dialog box.  For example if your zip program requires the parameter "-a" after the zip program's "exe" file, you would type in "-a" in the first white box.  An example is provided in both the zip and unzip sections to help guide you where the parameters should be placed.

When you have finished entering parameters, run the zip test first.   Message boxes will help guide you through the test.  If the zip test is successful, run the unzip test.  Again, message boxes will help guide you.  If both tests are successful, you are ready to use the new zip program in AnyOrder.