Restoring Back-up Files

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Restore is used to copy data files from the back-up disk to the program directory.  It is primarily used for three purposes:  1) to move your data files from one computer to another or from one directory to another  2) to recover data files if those on your program directory are damaged; or 3) to copy your data files to the program directory after a clean install of the program.

In order to use Restore, you must regularly back up your files each time you exit from the program.  The program is set up to back up files in this manner, and as long as the back up procedure hasn't been turned off in Basic Set-up, you'll keep your back-up disk updated and ready for a Restore if it becomes necessary.

To access Restore, select FILE and RESORE BACK-UP FILE.  The following dialog box appears:



File Damaging Events

If you ever have a serious file problem that is caused by a file damaging event (such as a power outage, power spike, a defective disk drive or by turning off the computer when the program is on), the Restore feature can help get you up and running again.  (Note: that the Windows Automatic Update feature can cause a re-start of your computer.  If AnyOrder is running at the time, it can damage data files. See back up for more information.)

Indications of damaged files are the following: odd characters and gibberish appearing in the blanks of the Invoice Screen, information that is missing, or information that is not properly lined up in the blanks.  If your files appear damaged, first try re-indexing them.  To access this function, select FILE and REINDEX DATABASE FILES from the Menu Bar.

If re-indexing doesn't solve the problem, then move on to the Restore function (described next).  This function will restore the files that were saved during the last back-up.  If you have created more invoices since the last time you backed-up, you'll end up losing those.

Using Restore

To access Restore, select FILE and RESORE BACK-UP FILE.  A cautionary message appears.  The message warns you to only use the feature unless you have experienced file problems or if you are doing a new installation of the program.  You don't want to indiscriminately use Restore since you can lose any invoices that you have added since your last back-up.  However, if no invoices have been added or changed since the last back-up, then you won't lose anything.

To continue with Restore, click on YES (Yes, you want to continue).  The Restore dialog box will appear and will list your default back-up drive.  If you need to change to another drive, double-click in the drive blank and a list of available drives will appear.  When the correct drive is listed, make sure your back-up disk is inserted, and click on OK.  Your back-up files will overwrite the problem files on your program disk, and you'll be ready to continue.

Alternating Disks

As described in back-up, it's highly recommend that you use two disks or media on which to do your back-ups.  This provides an important extra margin of safety should you ever have a hard drive failure.  The Back-up dialog box will provide a reminder on which disk to use (disk # 1 or # 2).  If you have been following the suggested pattern, then the Restore dialog box will indicate the most recently used disk.  That's the disk you'll want to restore from.

Zip Files

It is also possible to restore from the zip file created by the back-up portion of the program.  AnyOrder's back-up zip files are named  Place a checkmark in the appropriate box and indicate where the zip file is found in the "Back-up Files Drive/Directory" blank.  It's best not to use zip files for day-to-day back-up purposes, but they are very handy for special occasions when you need one compact file with all of your back-up data.  For more information, see Back-up and Zip Files.)

Use Restore for Re-installs

You'll also want to use Restore when you do a re-install of the program--or when you install a new version of the program.  For more details: Re-installing the Program.

Royalty and Purchase Order Files

If you use the Royalty and/or the Purchase Order portions of the program, you should find checkmarks beside "Include Royalty Files" and/or "Include Purchase Order System Files."  These settings are remembered.  If you placed checkmarks in these boxes on the Back-up dialog box, they will appear in Restore as well.

From a safety standpoint, it's best to change these settings only on the Back-up dialog box, and not on the Restore dialog box.  Sequence is important.  Let's say that Royalty box is not checked.  If you had some old royalty files on your back-up disk, and just before doing a restore, you checked "Include Royalty Files," you would end up restoring the old royalty files.

Thus, it's important that you always start with the Back-up dialog box.  Make sure that you have Royalty and/or Purchase Order boxes checked there.  Then run a back-up.  Now you know that you have the most recent files on your back-up disk.  Should you need to do a restore, the boxes will be automatically checked (because they are checked on the Back-up dialog box), and the most recent files will loaded into the program.

If you have plenty of room on your back-up disk, the best bet is to place checkmarks on two boxes (while in the Back-up dialog box), and keep them checked.  You'll never have to worry about them again

Proforma Files

The proforma invoicing system is found in Level V.  Proforma invoice files are automatically backed-up when you do a regular back-up.  It is not necessary to do anything special.

Files Not Restored

You may need to manually copy one or more other files to AnyOrder depending upon whether or not you use them:

1. If you use graphics on your invoices

2. If you created mail merge documents

3. If you've created or altered Internet Macros

If you answer "yes" to any of the above, then you'll need to manually copy the files back to AnyOrder.  (Note that AnyOrder's back-up procedure will back-up all important data files.  It doesn't, however, back-up any of above files.  If you use such files, be sure that you make copies of them and store them in a safe location).

1) Any graphics files (*.bmp) that you are using on your invoices, billings or royalty reports should be copied back into AnyOrder's main program directory:  C:\AnyOrder.

2) Any Internet Macros (*.iim) that you have created or altered should be copied back into the C:\AnyOrder\Internet\Macros directory.

3) Forms, documents, mail merge letters or label lay-outs don't necessarily need to be stored amongst AnyOrder's files.  If, however, you are keeping them with other AnyOrder files, they should be copied back to the C:\AnyOrder\My_Files directory.


Rover Module

The Rover Module comes with the networked version of Levels 5 - 7.  In most cases, the files in Rover are there on a temporarily basis, and backing up and restoring files are not necessary.  But if you are using Rover for more permanent purposes, you may having been backing-up the files.

There are two methods used to back-up Rover files:

Zip File. The default method backs up the files to a zip file.   With the zip file method, files created by Rover use the name that you've given to that particular Rover module.  It also tacks on a suffix of "" (meaning "Back Up").  For example, if you've named one of your Rover Modules: "Division_One," the zip file will be called
    To restore files - if you have used the Zip File method to back-up files - you need to match the name of the zip file with the name of the Rover Module that you are using.  Indicate where the zip file it is located in the Drive/Directory blank and then click on OK.  The files will be restored.
No Zip File.  Some operating systems, however, are not compatible with the zip file program that comes with AnyOrder.  In that case, you may have been backing up files using the same method that the main program uses.  If so, AnyOrder remembers it and will automatically turn on:  "ROVER RESTORE: Use regular restore method instead of zip file."
    To restore files - if you have utilized this method - you need to make sure you are restoring from Rover's back-up directory (and not the main program back-up.).  Indicate the drive where Rover files have been backed-up and then click OK.  The files will be restored.