Secondary Print Engine:  AllPrint

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Note: The Secondary Print Engine (which was created for very old print drivers) is no longer needed.  Manufacturers have long ago updated their print drivers, and it is no longer necessary.

AnyOrder sends data to the printer through the Window print system.  If, for some reason, invoices are not printing completely or coming out garbled, a secondary print engine is available.  The secondary print engine is called AllPrint.  It doesn't, however, not have all of the features of the internal print engine.

Getting Ready to Use AllPrint

In order to use AllPrint, you need to make sure that AnyOrder resides in a directory which is eight (8) letters or less.  Note that it will NOT work properly if it resides under the "Program Files" directory.  If you originally installed the program to its default directory "C:\AnyOrder" (or "D:\AnyOrder", etc.), you'll be fine--and you can skip the procedure below and go to the heading: "Using AllPrint."

If the program resides in the "Program Files" directory or another directory with a long name, you'll need complete the steps below before you can use AllPrint.

Follow this procedure:

1) First, start AnyOrder and make a back-up of your data files by selecting FILE and BACK-UP.

2) Un-install AnyOrder.

3) Re-install the program to a directory name of eight (8) letters or less and no spaces. "C:\AnyOrder" will work fine.  Do NOT install the program to a subdirectory, and do NOT install it under "Program Files."  Remember the directory must be eight letters or less.

4) Start AnyOrder (now newly installed) and restore your data files by selecting FILE and RESTORE from the menu bar.  Exit from the program

5) LAST STEP.  That's it.  You're ready to switch over to AllPrint.

Note for Network Installations:

For networked systems, when you set up the Common Data Directory (found in FILE and BASIC SET-UP), do not use UNC (Universal Naming Convention) directory names.  UNC names begin with two back-slashes such as: "\\myserver\mydir."  Rather, use a mapped drive letter.  Mapped drives are set up in Windows Explorer by selecting TOOLS and MAP NETWORK DRIVE.)  

Using AllPrint

AllPrint is turned-on from the Printer Dialog Box.  Click on the "Secondary Print Engine" button.  An informational dialog box on printing problems will appear.  When you're ready to try out AllPrint, click on the first button:  "Temporary On."  This will turn AllPrint on for a test print.  If printing problems clear up with the test print, then you'll want to make AllPrint your default printer engine.   To do so, return to the Secondary Print Engine dialog box, and click the "Make Default" button.

AllPrint:  More Options and Field Placement Adjustments

AllPrint's "More Options" dialog box does not have all of the options that are found with the internal printer engine.  It also doesn't have the ability to adjust the placement of fields.  However, you can access these.  Here's how to do it . . .

Turn off AllPrint.  Using Basic Set-up is good way to turn AllPrint on and off.  It doesn't require that you exit from the program every time.

Once AllPrint is turned off, select FILE >> PRINT INVOICE.  Click on the "More Options" button.  Make whatever the selections that you need.  Then turn AllPrint back on in Basic Set-up.  Do a print.  If the print is not what you need, run through the above process again.

If an Error Occurs: How to Turn off AllPrint.

Normally AllPrint is turned on or off at the Printer Dialog Box.  However, if an error or compatibility problem occurs, you may not be able to access AllPrint's printer dialog box to turn it off.  You can, however turn off AllPrint by another method.  To do so, select FILE and BASIC SET-UP from the Menu Bar.  When the Basic Set-up dialog box appears, click on the "Colors" tab at the top of the screen.  You find AllPrint information at the bottom of the page.  To turn AllPrint off, remove the checkmark.