General Printing and Printing Invoices

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To print an invoice or packing slip, make sure that the invoice you want printed appears on the screen.  You can use Page-Up or Page-Down to get to it.  When you arrive at the proper invoice, select from the Menu Bar: FILE >> PRINT INVOICE (to print an invoice) or FILE >> PRINT PACKING SLIP (to print a packing slip).

In either case, the Print Dialog Box will appear:


You can select from several different options on the top half of the screen, including printing a packing list only, printing one original and one copy, or other combinations. If desired, you can also set the number of packing slips, copies and originals on the bottom half of the screen.

The first choice on top of the screen is "Default Values."  Default values are set by clicking the "More Options" button on the Print Dialog Box.  If you always need two copies and one original each time you print an invoice, you can set these numbers as default values so they always appear when the Print Dialog box is activated.

Make sure that you always print one copy of each invoice for your records.  Print all invoices, even invoices which you have voided.  It's very important that you have a hard copy of all invoices.  If you are ever faced with hard drive failure, combined with losing the data on your backup disk, the printed invoices will allow you reconstruct your active accounts and continue operating your business.

The Print Dialog Box gives priority to your choices on the bottom half.  If you make changes there, that's what will be printed.  If no changes are made, then whatever is selected on the top half will be printed.

Preparing an Invoice for Mailing

You'll notice that after printing an invoice the vendor's address will appear at the bottom of the printed purchase order as shown below:


The address is lined up on the paper so that when folded, it will show up in the window of business envelope.  This is a handy feature and makes things much easier for you since you don't have to address envelopes.

To prepare an invoice for mailing, fold it into thirds with the writing on the outside.  Make sure the bottom of the invoice sticks out (¼ or ½ inch) beyond the folds.  This way when the bottom of the invoice sits against the bottom of the envelope, the address will be properly lined in the window.  (Note that the Level 5 (or higher) program has an option which will align your address and the customer's address for double windowed envelopes, see More Options.)

AnyOrder uses a standard windowed envelope.  Be aware that there are also non-standard sized envelopes on the market.  To make sure you purchase the correct envelopes, print out an invoice.  Take the invoice to the store where you purchase your envelopes.  Fold the invoice with the writing out as described above.  You want the very bottom of the invoice to sit against the bottom of the envelope, not the folds.  Place the invoice in the envelope and make sure the address lines up correctly in the window.  (Note: if you already have a non-standard sized envelope, it is possible to adjust the placement of the address.  See Placement Adjustment for more information.) Here's an example of the invoice folded and placed in an windowed envelope:


Most businesses purchase their envelopes from a local printer.  That way you can have your return address (and logo, if desired) printed on the envelope (as shown in the example above). Be sure, however, to bring an invoice with you to the printer and make sure the address lines up properly in the window of the envelope they will be using.

Which address is printed at the bottom--shipping or billing address--depends on whether it's a packing list or an invoice.  The packing list has the shipping address printed at the bottom, and the invoice has the billing address at the bottom.  If desired, you can slip the packing list in a windowed envelope, attach it to the package and use it for your shipping label.

Stopping a Print

To stop a print job, press the <ESC> key on your keyboard.  Note that by the time you press <ESC> some or all of the pages may have already been sent to the printer queue.  If not all of the pages have printed, you can cancel any remaining pages by selecting your printer from the Windows control panel (or task bar) and choosing the 'Cancel Printing' menu option."

Invoice Graphics

If desired you can add graphics or logos to the invoice.  (Note that feature is not available with AnyOrder Level I Edition.) For more information: Invoice Graphics.

Preview / PDF File Print (Level V)

The Level 5 (or higher) program includes a feature which allow you to preview invoices, and to create and print PDF files.  For more information, see More Options.


By-pass Print and Printer Set-up Dialog Boxes. This is one of two ways in which you can change printer or print settings.  (Also see, "Change Printer" below.)  To use this method, take the checkmark off of "By-pass Print and Printer Set-up Dialog Boxes."  Print and Printer Set-up are the normal dialog boxes which appear whenever you print in Windows.  Since going through these dialog boxes every time you print an invoice is time consuming, they are by-passed as a convenience.  If you ever want to make a printer or printer setting adjustment, however, it's just a matter or removing the checkmark.

Suppress printing of customer address when on its own page. If you have a long list of items that you are shipping, there may not be enough room on the page to print the item list and the address.  However, if need be, you can tell the program to print the address on a separate page.  On the Print Dialog Box, remove the checkmark from the box labeled: "Suppress printing of customer address when on its own page."  This will allow a separate sheet of paper to be printed with the billing address (for invoices) or shipping address (for packing slips) in the correct position for windowed envelopes.

Include an 'Amount Paid' and 'Balance Due' field on invoice (VI). This is a Level 6 feature. By placing a checkmark here, the printed invoice will include two additional fields:  Amount Paid and Balance Due.  These fields will appear just below Subtotal, Shipping, and Total Due on the printed invoice.  The Amount Paid figure will come from "Paid1" and/or "Paid2" fields (found in the Payment Box on the Main Invoice Screen).  The Balance Due figure will come from the "Balance" field (also found in the Payment Box).  This feature enables you to use the printed invoice as both an invoice and billing statement.  This works well for irregular customers that pay off one invoice at a time.  You would not, however, want to use it for regular customers that often build up two or more invoices, and make one payment to pay off those invoices.  For such customers, use the Billing Statement part of the program which is designed specifically for that purpose.  When you place a checkmark here, the program will remember it until you specifically remove it.

Note: In older versions of AnyOrder, the option "Print a shipping label on the bottom of the Packing Slip" was found in this part of the dialog box.  This option is now found in "More Options".

More Options

Click on the "More Options" button for additional invoice printing options.

Change Printer

By clicking on this button, a dialog box will appear from which you can select a different printer.  You can also change printers by removing the checkmark from "By-pass Print and Printer Set-up Dialog Boxes."

Create HTML File and Print

The HTML Print button has been removed.  Newer Microsoft Operating Systems no longer support it.

By clicking on this button, an HTML file named Invoice.htm is created.  Once the file is created, the default browser prints the file. Since this feature uses calls directly to the Windows operating system, it may not work with all printers.  Nonetheless, we wanted to include it in event that it helpful to some users.

This feature may be useful in a couple of different ways.  It creates an HTML file which you can edit if desired using an HTML editor.  It also provides an additional way of printing should you have problems with other printing methods.

Secondary Print Engine

The Secondary Print Engine (which was created for very old print drivers) is no longer needed.  Manufacturers have long ago updated their print drivers, and it is no longer necessary.

If your printer works fine with other software, it should work fine with this program.  The program simply sends information through the existing print drivers installed by Windows.  However, compatibility problems sometimes exist, and a secondary printer engine is available should you have any problems.  To activate it, click on "Secondary Print Engine."

More Information

For information on printing statements, see Billing Statement Screen. For information on Batch Printing features see Batch Printing.

Sample Printed Invoice

The printed sample invoice shown below incorporates the company logo in the top several lines of the invoice: More Information.
