Basic Program Set-Up: Details on the "Miscellaneous" Page

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All of the features found on this page are for Level 4 and higher

To reach the Miscellaneous Page, start at the Main Invoice Screen and select FILE and BASIC PROGRAM SET UP from the Menu Bar.  Click on the "Miscellaneous" tab on top of the page.


The Miscellaneous page will appear.  Parts of this screen include:

Path to spreadsheet program.

Most of the reports that AnyOrder creates can be moved into Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet programs.  Programs like Excel have a rich range of formatting and printing features, and this method of report printing allows you to take full advantage of those and other features.  In order to access Excel (or other spreadsheet programs), AnyOrder needs to have directory path to the program.  If you click on the "More Info & Browse" button, AnyOrder will provide a little guidance on how to find the Excel program file.


Browse To Find It . . .

In order to access Excel (or other spreadsheet programs), AnyOrder needs to have the directory path to the program.  One way to indicate the path is to click on the 'Browse' button below and look for the file 'EXCEL.EXE.'

It's best to set your file directory so you can see extensions.

You should end up with a path similar to:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Excel.exe.

With newer versions, also look for a path similar to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\Excel.exe

Make sure you have Excel.exe at the end.

HINT: If you have difficulty finding it, use the Windows SEARCH feature and search for the file 'EXCEL.EXE.'

If Browse Doesn't Find It . . .

If, after doing a search, you can't find EXCEL.EXE, you may have a new type of program which is called 'Click to Run.'  If so, use this procedure:

1. Right click on the Excel icon on your desktop, and select 'Properties. Look for the 'Target' field.  You'll be looking for something like this:  

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Virtualization Handler\CVH.EXE" "Microsoft Excel 2010 9014006204090000"

2. Notice that it's a long path.  If it's a short path like:  'Microsoft Office Excel 2010,'  then you DO NOT have the correct path.  If that's  the situation, first check Microsoft's documentation to make sure you have 'Click to Run.'  If not, use the 'Browse'  button and do a search for Excel.exe as described above.
     If you do have 'Click to Run,' then you'll want to refer to Microsoft's help information to find the correct path.  (Note that Microsoft allows you to switch to a standard Excel if 'Click to Run' is problematic for you.)    

3. Once you are assured that you have the correct path, make sure the entire path is highlighted.  Then press CTRL+C on your  keyboard to copy it to the clipboard.  

4. Finally, paste the path into the directory path field by placing your cursor in blank and pressing CTRL+V on your keyboard.

Path to word processor.

For certain processes in AnyOrder, you can automatically start up Microsoft Word (or a word processor of your choice).  This allows you to create mailing labels, auto-fill business forms, or generate mail-merged letters (or email-merged letter).  In order to access Word (or another word program), AnyOrder needs to have directory path to the program.


Browse To Find It . . .

In order to access Word (or other word processing programs), AnyOrder needs to have the directory path to the program.  One way to indicate the path is to click on the 'Browse' button below and look for the file 'WINWORD.EXE.'

(It's best to set your file directory so you can see extensions.)  You should end up with a path similar to:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe.

With newer versions, also look for a path similar to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\Excel.exe

Make sure you have WinWord.exe at the end.

HINT: If you have difficulty finding it, use the Windows SEARCH feature and search for the file 'WINWORD.EXE.'

If Browse Doesn't Find It . . .

If, after doing a search, you can't find WINWORD.EXE, you may have a new type of program which is called 'Click to Run.'  If so, use this procedure:

1. Right click on the Word icon on your desktop, and select 'Properties. Look for the 'Target' field.  You'll be looking for something like this:  

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Virtualization Handler\CVH.EXE" "Microsoft Word 2010 9014006204090000"

2. Notice that it's a long path.  If it's a short path like:  'Microsoft Office Word 2010,'  then you DO NOT have the correct path.  If that's  the situation, first check Microsoft's documentation to make sure you have 'Click to Run.'  If not, use the 'Browse'  button and do a search for Winword.exe as described above.  If you do have 'Click to Run,' then you'll want to refer to Microsoft's help information to find the correct path.  (Note that Microsoft allows you to switch to a standard Word if 'Click to Run' is problematic for you.)    

3. Once you are assured that you have the correct path, make sure the entire path is highlighted.  Then press CTRL+C on your  keyboard to copy it to the clipboard.  

4. Finally, paste the path into the directory path field by placing your cursor in blank and pressing CTRL+V on your keyboard.

Each time the product pop-up list is opened, start with the following sort order:

One of the most frequently used lists in AnyOrder is the Product Pop-up List.  The list is used to paste products on the invoice--saving you from having to type out all of the information.  You can control the order of the list when it first appears.  Place a checkmark beside "Item Name if you'd like the list to be ordered by the item's name.   Or place a checkmark beside "Catalog Number" if you'd like the list to be ordered by catalog number.




Show the Ad Campaign Code field on Main Invoice Screen. (May also be used for general coding purposes.).

If desired, you can have an additional code field show on the Main Invoice Screen.  This is the Ad Campaign Code.  It's used for tracking the results of advertising campaigns.  If you don't (or can't) track ad campaigns, you can also use the field for general coding purposes.  If you place a checkmark in the box, the ad campaign code appears on the upper right of the Main Invoice Screen and is labeled "Ads."

The "Ads" field appears along with the other code fields and is turned on in File >> Basic Program Set-up.

The "Ads" field appears along with the other code fields and is turned on in File >> Basic Program Set-up.

Main Invoice Screen:  Turn OFF informational message about discount calculations

Whenever you change a value in the "Overall Discount" field on the Main Invoice Screen, an informational message appears.  Here's what you'll see: "The discount you've just entered xx% will be applied to all of the products listed in the item area.  Do you wish to continue?" The message tells you that the discount that you have entered will be applied to all of products listed in the Item Area.  If you happen to have one or more products listed at different discounts, it's a reminder that all of the individual discounts will be re-set to the value that you enter.

You'll also get a message when you use the "L" button beside "Customer #" on the Main Invoice Screen.  When you click this button, the Customer Database appears from which you can select a customer.  When you select a customer, you'll see this message: "The customer being pasted shows a discount of xx%. Do you wish to use the discount for this invoice?" In this case, the message is a reminder that the customer's discount will be applied to all products that you add to the Item Area.

Both of the messages are informative and helpful when you are first starting learning to use the program.  Once you become familiar with the program, however, you may wish to turn off the messages to save a little time.  To turn off the messages, place a checkmark here.

Use one-click (instead of a double-click) to make selections from lists

One of the common ways in AnyOrder to select two or more items on a list involves clicking a checkbox beside the item.  For example, to select invoices for Batch Printing, you would click beside each invoice you want to print.  The default behavior in AnyOrder requires a double click to check the box, but you can change that.  To check boxes by using only one click of your mouse, select the 'One-click' box.  To use the double-click technique, leave the 'One-click' box empty.

Check this box if you do NOT pay commissions to sales representatives.

The purpose of this setting is to reduce clutter on the Inventory Report Screen by removing the sales commission button.  This does not remove the "Reps" code field from the upper right of the Main Invoice Screen, and you can still use that field, if needed, for various coding purposes.

Automatically lock the Invoice when it is marked closed

Level 6 - 7 Feature. This feature locks the invoice as soon as it is marked closed.  The 'Closed' checkbox is located in the upper right hand corner of the Main Invoice Screen.  When you place a checkmark here, the OPEN indicator disappears.  If you turn this feature on, the OPEN indicator disappears and the invoice is locked.

Automatically insert current date in PO Date Field

Level 6 - 7 Feature. If you place a checkmark here, whenever AnyOrder creates a new invoice, it will insert the current date in the PO Date field.  Use this when your customers don't normally use PO's, and for the order date, you'd like to use the same date as the invoice date.

Item Area catalog number look-up feature: make replacements to a row even if a product name or price is present

The Catalog Number Look-up feature allows you to type-in one of more catalog numbers in the Item Area on the Main Invoice Screen.  AnyOrder will then look-up the catalog number and enter the item name and price for you.  If you place a checkmark here, the catalog number look-up feature will make replacements for the catalog numbers appearing in the Item Area whether there is an item name or not.  And, it will replace the price whether it is zero (0) or not.  The default behavior (unchecked) is that the only rows in the Item Area replaced are those without an item name and without a price.

Start-up Switches

This field is used for two purposes.  It is used for beta testing new features, and it is used for customized features.  If you contract us to build something special for you, this is where you would enter a code so that you can access the customized feature.  Otherwise, for the most part, you won't have to worry about it.

Products Sold By Measurement

"Products sold by measurement" refers products which are sold by weight or length.  For example, you may sell fabric by the yard.  Under its normal configuration, AnyOrder can easily handle a customer buying 3 or 4 yards of fabric.  You just enter 3 or 4 in the quantity column of the Item Area.

However, if a customer wants to purchase 2.75 yards of fabric, the program requires a different database configuration.  If you never deal in weights or lengths, then we highly recommend that you NOT turn this feature on.  It creates much larger data files.  On the other hand, if you must work with weights or lengths, then you'll want to turn it on.

Note that you can also use this feature if you bill out services by hours and fractions of an hour.

When you click on this button, AnyOrder will prepare your data files for the configuration change.  The actual change is made by exiting the program and re-starting it.  No particular message will appear, but you can tell that the change has been made by clicking on the "Toggle" button (just above the Item area).  That brings up the Alternative Product Entry Screen.  You'll notice that an additional area has been added to the screen which, among others, includes a "Measured Quantity" field.  All measured quantity entries are made here.  For more information on how the process works see: Alternative Product Entry Screen.

Insert the following in the "Reps" Code field (for this computer only) - Level 7 Feature

Level 7 Feature. Network users might find this handy for coding purposes.  It is a local setting - which means whatever code you enter here will only appear on invoices created on this computer (and not any other computer).  For example, if AnyOrder is installed on a network, and you have two or more individuals entering invoices, you may wish to keep track of which person is creating which invoice.  One way of doing that is by using one of the code fields on the Main Invoice Screen (located in the upper right hand corner of the screen).  One of the fields that could be used for this purpose is the "Reps" field.  If you enter your initials in this blank, then whenever invoices are created on this computer (and not on any other computer), the initials will appear in the "Reps" code field.  After the invoice is created, you can, if needed on an occasional basis, remove the initials.  (Note if you use this on a single user version of AnyOrder, then every new invoice you create will include the initials.)

Insert "PRT" in the "Reps" Code field when original invoice printed - Level 7 Feature

Level 7 Feature. Invoice Printed Indicator.  If you place a checkmark here, whenever you print an "Original" invoice, AnyBook will automatically insert "PRT" in the "Reps" Code on the Main Invoice Screen.

If you use this feature, there are two ways you can quickly find out which invoices have not been printed, both are explained below . . .

A. USING ADVANCED SEARCH. The first way to find invoices not printed is to use Advanced Search.

1. Click the the "Adv" button just to the right of "Search" on the lower right hand corner of the Main Invoice Screen.

2. The "Advanced Search" dialog box will appear.  Leave the "Search For" field blank.

3. Put a checkmark beside "Sales Rep Code"  (It's at the bottom of the second column of checkboxes.)

4. Select "Exact Word Match" under "Conditions" (lower right).

5. You'll get a message saying that the Search blank is empty - and do you want to continue anyway.  Click on "Yes"

6.  The program will start searching back looking for any Sales Rep code that is blank (which means an Original invoice hasn't been printed.)  It will bring up the first invoice which hasn't been printed as it works back towards older invoices.  You can continue and search for the next one that hasn't been printed by clicking the "Repeat Search" button.  You can continue to click "Repeat Search" until finished.

B. USING A FILTER. The second way to find invoices not printed is to use a Filter.  First we'll get things set-up to make it easy to use the filter.  You'll just need to do the following once:

1. From the Main Invoice Screen, select Invoice Tools >> Filter Invoices

2. The "Filter Invoices" dialog box will appear.  In the large blank at the top of the dialog box, type in the following:  REPCODE=""

3. What we'll do is to save this formula so you don't have to remember it.

4. Click on the "Save" button.

5. A little dialog box will appear.  Click on the top 'Paste >>" button.  It will insert REPCODE="" in the first column.  In the second column, type in "Inv. Not Printed"

6. Click on "Save."

7. You'll be returned to the "Filter Invoices" dialog box.  Go ahead and exit out of the Filter dialog box by selecting "Cancel."

You just need to do the above steps once.  It will make things easy for you.

Here's the procedure to follow whenever you want to use a filter to find invoices not printed:

1. From the Main Invoice Screen, select Invoice Tools >> Filter Invoices

2. On the "Filter Invoices" dialog box that appears, click on the "L" button beside "Recall Saved Filter."

3. Select "Inv. Not Printed" and click "OK"  You'll see REPCODE="" appear in the large blank.

4. Now click on OK.

The program will return you to the Main Invoice Screen.  What you've done is to have turned on a filter, so that the only invoices that you'll see on the Main Invoice Screen are those that have not been printed.

You can page-up and page-down and look through the invoices.  The program will tell you when it reaches the first or last invoice which hasn't been printed.  If there are no invoices which haven't been printed, the program will tell you by saying "No invoices were found that match the filter."

Whenever you have a filter on, AnyBook turns on a yellow "Filter" indicator on the top right of the screen.  That's a reminder that the filter is on and the invoices that you see are only those matching the filter.

When you are ready, you'll want to turn off the filter.  You do that by selecting Invoice Tools >> Turn Filter Off.  As soon as the filter is turned off, you'll be back to normal and all of your invoices will be accessible on the Main Invoice Screen.

Here's something else you can do.  You can use the filter to tell you exactly how many invoices have not been printed.  You do that by selecting Invoices >> Count Invoices.  Click the "L" button beside "Recall Saved Filter" and select "Inv. Not Printed" and the program will tell you the number.