Contact Manager (Primary) Import

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Level 6 and Higher Feature


The Contact Import feature is used to move contacts from a data file to AnyOrder's Primary Contact Manager.  It is particularly useful if you are switching from another type of software to AnyOrder.  It may also be used to add contacts periodically.

The contact Import feature is reached by selecting FILE and IMPORT from the Menu Bar on top of the Primary Contact Manager screen.  The following screen appears:


Type of Import Files Accepted. AnyOrder can import three types of files: Comma Delimited (the most common), Tab Delimited and dBase.  For more information: Supported Import File Types.  Almost every database, spreadsheet, or accounting program can provide files in one of these formats.

Importing:  Step by Step

The following is a step by step process involved in importing:

Entering the File Name. When you select FILE and IMPORT from the Menu Bar, the Import dialog box will appear.  Near the top of the dialog box, is a place to enter the name of the file that you will be importing.  It's highly recommended that you use standard naming conventions when naming the import file.  Use ".txt" or ".csv" for Comma Delimited and Tab Delimited files and ".dbf" for dBase files. For more information: Supported Import File Types.

Keep the File Name Short. Because of different operating systems, it is suggested that you keep the file name at eight (8) letters or less.  Avoid spaces in the name.

Change Directory. After entering the name of the import file in the File Name blank, change to the directory in which the file is stored.  Avoid storing the file in directories with long directory names or names with spaces.

Create a New Profile. When the file name is entered and the directory chosen, click on "Create New Profile."

After clicking on "Create New Profile" a second dialog box (Import Profile) will appear.

To continue the step by step procedure: Second Dialog Box


Details on Each Part of the First Customer Import Dialog Box

File Name. In the File Name blank, enter the name of the Import file.  If at possible, keep the file at eight (8) letters or less.  Avoid spaces in the name. For more information: Supported Import File Types.

Directory. Select the directory in which the Import file is stored.  Avoid storing the file in directories with long directory names or names with spaces.

Create New Profile. A profile is a list of instructions which tells AnyOrder where to place each of the fields of the Import File.  Whenever importing an entirely new type of import file, you'll need to create a profile. Before clicking on this button, be sure to enter the name of the file that you will be importing in the File Name blank.  The contents of the file will be used to help you develop the profile.  When the file name has been entered, and you're ready to go, click "Create New Profile."

View or Update Existing Profile. Once you create a profile it is saved.  That way you don't have to re-create the profile the next time you want to import a similar file.  The "View or Update" button allows you to review or make changes to an existing profile.

Delete Profile. If you no longer need to use a profile, you can delete it.  Note that this will also delete any replacement tables that you have associated with the profile.  To delete a profile, first highlight it on the profile list and then click "Delete Profile."

Records. Before starting the import process, select which records from the import file you want to move into AnyOrder.  You can import all of the records, one record, or a range of records.  In most cases, you'll probably import all of the records, but there may be other situations in which you import one or two.

When you need to import selected records from the import file and you're not quite sure which record numbers to use, the following procedure may be helpful:  First, click on "View or Update Existing Profile."  In the Profile dialog box that appears next, select a record from the "Record #" box and click "Show Import File Fields."  The contents of the record will show up in the first box ("Fields Making up the Import File") on the bottom of the screen.  Continue selecting records in this manner until you determine which record numbers you need.

The last choice is "Import ALL records (Except the first record)."  Use this when you are importing a file that has field names in the first record.  By selecting this option, you'll be able to import all usable data, leaving out the field names.

Start Import Process. This is the button to click after you've typed in the name of the file you want to import and selected the appropriate profile.  AnyOrder will then create a new invoice for each imported record, placing the information from the import file (as directed by the profile) into the proper place on the Main Invoice Screen.  When the process is complete, exit from the Import dialog box and page forward through the new customers.  Double check to make sure everything came through ok.  If not, you can remove the contacts by select FILE and REMOVE IMPORTED RECORDS.  Be sure to check your imported records right away.  Once you start adding new invoices on top of the imported ones, you'll no longer be able to undo the process.


More Information on Importing

Import Profiles (Second Dialog Box)

Import Files Types Supported

Customer Database Screen

Working with Import Files in Excel