Customers without Numbers

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You don't have to assign customer numbers to everyone.  Many of your customers may be one-time or infrequent buyers.  Assigning everyone a number takes up too much of your time.  Instead, just enter their name and addresses on the invoice form.  No number is needed.

If one of your infrequent customers later buys from you again, you won't have to re-type their address.  Just click the "L" button beside the "BILL-TO" field on the Main Invoice Screen.  A list of all past customers will appear from which you can select:



You can also access this list by placing your cursor in the "BILL TO" field and doing the following:

Pressing Ctrl+L
Double-click the mouse.
Left clicking and selecting "Vendor, Product or Shipping Method List" from the Speed Menu.

Note that pop-up list described here consists of all customers on previously issued invoices.  That's different from the Customer Database.  The Customer Database consists of customers to which you have specifically added to the database and to which you have assigned a number.  (The Customer Database can be accessed by clicking the "L" beside: "Customer."  More information on that list is found here.)

Generally, customers without a customer numbers are individuals who will pre-pay or pay off the invoice.  If you provide them with credit, then you might need to send them a billing statement.  If that's the case and if they have more than one invoice, then you'll want to make sure their name is spelled the same on any of the invoices issued to them.  You can assure that the name will be spelled the same by using the above pop-up list.

When the name is spelled the same, and the billing statement part of the program is able to properly group their invoices together.  If you won't be sending them a billing statement, then spelling the names the same is not particularly important, but, if possible for good record keeping, try to keep names spelled the same by using the pop-up list. (Also see: Customer Billing Name: Make Sure Names are the Same.)




Other Information about Customers:

Customer Information Database

Customer Billing Name:  Make Sure Names are the Same, Making Changes, and Other Information

Customer Number Field on Main Invoice Screen

Customer Database Pop-up List

Customer Numbers, Pasting From List

Customer Import Feature

Contact Manager

Consignment Wholesalers and Distributors

Consignment Retailers

Billing Statements