Email Export

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Level 3 and Above


This function allows you to use an external email program (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) and attach an invoice or a billing statement.  Note that the Level 7 has a built-in email client which makes this process more automatic, but this is available if you are using one of the lower level programs.

You can either include the invoice (or statement) in the text of an email message or you can send it as an attachment to an email message.  You're not limited to emailing purposes.  You can also use this function to insert invoices in word processing documents.

To use this feature, first, go to the invoice or statement you want to export.  Once the invoice is showing on the screen, select FILE and EMAIL EXPORT from the Menu Bar.

After selecting FILE and EMAIL EXPORT, a dialog box appears.  At the top of the box, you can choose the export format.  You have your choice between placing the invoice (or statement) in the clipboard or placing it in a file:

Clipboard. If you use one of the two clipboard formats, the invoice (or statement) will be placed in the Windows clipboard.  This allows you to start up your email program, write a message to the customer and insert the invoice (or statement) into the text of your message (by using your email program's EDIT and PASTE feature).

There are two clipboard formats:

1) The Clipboard (text format) option re-formats the invoice (or statement) into plain text so that it can be inserted into any type of email program (or word processing program).  This is handy way of emailing someone an invoice.  Since the invoice is a part of your message, it's readily seen and they don't have to open an attachment.

2) Clipboard (HTML) option reformats the invoice (or statement) with HTML tags.  HTML is the way all information on the Web is formatted.  The HTML tags are attached to the invoice (or statement) so that when it is viewed in a web browser, it looks the same as AnyOrder's printed invoice (or statement).  If you have an email program that allows you to use HTML tags, you can place the invoice (or statement) directly into an email message so it retains its format.

File. You can also create a file which holds the invoice (or statement).  Use the file options if you want to send the invoice as an attachment to an email message.

There are three file formats to choose from:

1) Text File.  For a text file export, the invoice (or statement) is converted into plain text.  The advantage of this format is that a text file is the basic form of a written document.  There are no compatibility issues with a text file.  All word processing and browsing programs can read it.

2) Unformatted Microsoft Word File.  For this option, the invoice (or statement) is converted into a Microsoft Word file.  The file is not formatted.  In other words, it does not use tabs or different sized fonts or bolding, etc.  It's a very simple document that can be opened in any version of Microsoft Word.  Since it is unformatted, it can also be opened in other word processing programs as well.

3) HTML File.  For this option, the invoice (or statement) is converted into HTML, the basic format of all information on the Web.  Essentially what happens is that the invoice (or statement) is converted into a web page which looks just like the printed version produced by AnyOrder.  The HTML option is very useful.  When an HTML file is used as attachment, most email programs will show it fully formatted at the bottom of the message.

If you select any of the file formats, you have one last step.  You need to type in a name for the file that you'll be creating.  The default name is "Invoice" (or "Bill" in the case of billing statements) but you can choose any name you desire.

For your convenience, AnyOrder will automatically add an extension to your file name. You can, of course, give the file any extension you wish, but it is recommended that you use the following.

Text Files: .txt

Microsoft Word Files: .doc

HTML Files: .htm

Finally, indicate the directory where you'd like the file placed.  To bring up a list of directories, click on "Change Directory"  (or double click in the Directory blank).  Once you designate a directory, AnyOrder will remember it for future sessions.

Automatically Generate File Name. This feature is only found on Level 5 (or higher) programs. If you place a checkmark here, AnyOrder will automatically name the file for you.  The file name will begin with a prefix of "INV" (if it's an invoice) or a "ST" (if it's a billing statement).  The prefix is followed by the first letter of the individual's first name and then by the full last name.  (This assumes that you've entered names in normal order:  first name followed by last name.)  Company names are structured the same way.  If it's a one word company, the full name appears.  The auto-generation feature saves time since you can run a series of email exports for several invoices or billing statements.  Once you've finished, you can follow it up by creating emails with the attached invoice or statement.  The naming convention makes it easy to connect your emails with the correct invoice.

Automatically Starting your Email Program. This feature is only found on Level 5 (or higher) programs. After you create a file, you may wish to activate your email program.  That's what this feature allows you to do.  In addition to starting your email program, you can include the billing or shipping name in the email address by selecting the appropriate radio button.  You can also include a subject heading in the email by typing in the desired phrase in the blank provided.  To create the file and start your email program click on:  "Create File & Start Email Program (V)."  Note that "(V)" means that it's a Level 5 (or higher) feature.  Once the email program starts, you'll need to manually attach the text or HTML file.  Because of security concerns, email programs won't automatically attach a file to an email, but with AnyOrder taking care of all of the background work, the process is greatly simplified.  If your email program does not start after clicking "Create File & Start Email Program," see Email Information.

A Note About Text Formatting. In text format (clipboard or file), invoices are designed without columns.  This enables you to use any type of font when a text formatted invoice is inserted in an email or word processing program.  Billing statements, on the other hand, out of necessity, need to have columns for credit, debit and balance figures.  To keep the figures in the columns properly lined up use a courier (or fixed space) font when working with a text formatted statement in another program.  If you are inserting a statement in a word processing program, you may also need to reduce the right and left margins so that it has adequate space to fit across the page.

Other Uses of This Feature. You are not limited to using this feature for email purposes.  You can also use it to copy invoices into word processing (or other types of) programs. For instance, you may wish to include a copy of a customer's invoice in the text of a letter.

This can be done in one of two ways.  One way is to create an export file.  Then start up your word processing program, open the newly created export file, and type in a supplementary message along with the invoice (or statement).  Or the other way is to begin in your word processing program, and using the clipboard option, paste a copy of the invoice (or statement) into the letter.