Emailing Options

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Level 3 programs and above.


This function uses an external email program such as Outlook or Thunderbird.  Note that the Level 7 has a built-in email client which makes this process more automatic, but this is available if you are using one of the lower level programs.

When AnyOrder activates your email program, you can instruct it do one of several tasks.  You can have it insert the Billing Address name (or the Shipping Address name) in the "TO" blank of your email message.  Or you can have it place a prepared note in the clipboard to insert in your email message.

The Emailing Options dialog box is activated by clicking on the small "Opt" button ("Opt" means "Options") near the email address blank on the Main Invoice Screen.  (See the "Opt" button in the illustration below)  You can also reach it, by selecting MAIN TASKS and EMAILING OPTIONS.


The Email Options screen appears:


In the first blank, make sure the proper email address is showing.  Next select a function or task from the list.  Your choices are:

Start Email Program and Insert Email Address. Usually, it's easier to access your email program by clicking on the small blue email button just to the right of the Email Address blank on the Main Invoice Screen.  However, sometimes you may wish to start your email program from within AnyOrder and insert an email address unrelated to the Invoice.  This option allows you to do that. Just type in the address, select this task and click on OK.

Include Billing Name with Email Address. This will start your email program and insert the Billing Name in the "TO" blank of the email message.

Include Shipping Name with Email Address. This will start your email program and insert the Shipping Name in the "TO" blank of the email message.

Select a Message.  Start Email Program.  Include Billing Name. This will start your email program and insert the Billing Name in the "TO" blank of the email message.  It will also place a prepared note in the clipboard which can be inserted into the email message.  To use this, you'll need to indicate a file that contains your prepared message.  The file is indicated in the File Name blank on the bottom of the dialog box.  (For more about prepared messages, see below.)

Select a Message.  Start Email Program.  Include Shipping Name. This will start your email program and insert the Shipping Name in the "TO" blank of the email message.  It will also place a prepared note in the clipboard which can be inserted into the email message.  It works the same as the Billing Name option immediately above.  You'll need to indicate a file that contains your prepared message.  The file is indicated in the File Name blank on the bottom of the dialog box.  (For more about prepared messages, see below.)

Select a Message.  Start Email Program.  No Names. This will start your email program and will leave the "TO" area of the email message blank.  It will, however, place a prepared note in the clipboard which can be inserted into the email message.  As mention above, you'll need to indicate a file that contains your prepared message.  The file is indicated in the File Name blank on the bottom of the dialog box.  (For more about prepared messages, see below.)

The File Name blank is only used if you select one of the last three options (above).  It's described in more detail below.  If the Current Drive/Directory is not the location of the file showing in the File Name blank, it can be changed by clicking on Change Drive/Directory.

Email Program Doesn't Start. If your email program is not activated, see the following information: setting up a default email program.

Create HTML Attachment, then Proceed. This feature is only available on Level 5 (or higher) programs. You can click on this button to create an HTML file of your invoice and then activate your email program.  The name of the attachment file will be automatically generated.  AnyOrder tells you what the name will be at the bottom of the dialog box.  This feature makes doing business by email even easier.  You can activate your email program from AnyOrder with the customer's name and email address in place, paste in a pre-made message (which is already been placed in the clipboard), and attach a copy of the invoice.  The process takes only a few moments, and you're ready to send the message to the customer.

Prepared Messages for Emailing. This handy function built into AnyOrder allows you to prepare one or more standardized messages that you can send to your customers or vendors via email.  You may, for instance, wish to send a thank you letter to a new customer.  You may wish to send a note to a past customer when a new book or product becomes available.  Or you may want to send an acknowledgement to a vendor that you've received an order.  These are just a few examples.  There are many others.

To prepare a message, use a word processor.  When you've finished writing it, save it as a text file (TXT) to a directory on your hard drive.  It can be any directory, but if you plan to prepare several notes, you may want to designate one directory which is reserved for customer and vendor messages.  Once you indicate a directory in the Emailing Options dialog box, AnyOrder will remember it for future sessions.  Remember to save it as a text file.  In most word processing programs, that means using the "Text Only" option, not "Text With Line Breaks."

AnyOrder will take the text contained in the file (designated in the File Name blank) and place it in the clipboard.  After your email program starts, you can use the clipboard paste function and insert the prepared note in the message.

Including a Subject on the Email Message. You can include a subject with your email message by using the designator <SUBJECT> in the first line of your prepared message. Let's say you'd like to have the subject of the email message read: "Thanks for Your Order!"   To do so, in first line of your email message type in <SUBJECT> and then follow it with Thanks for Your Order:  Here's how it would look:

<SUBJECT> Thanks for Your Order!

When you use this technique, always put <SUBJECT> on the first line of the prepared message and make sure that "SUBJECT" is in all capital letters.

Including a Salutation Line in the Email Message. You can also include a salutation line at the beginning of your email message.  For example, you might want to begin your message "Dear Jason."  This is done by using the designator <NAME>, <FNM> or <LNM>.

<NAME> means to use the full name of the individual or company.  <FNM> means to use the first name.  <LNM> means to use the last name.  The name used depends on whether you selected "Include Billing Name" or "Include Shipping Name" in the middle of the dialog box.

The salutation designator should appear on the first line of the prepared message. Follow the salutation designator with your salutation.  For example if you'd like to say "Dear Jason," you would include the following in the first line:

<FNM> Dear

In the example above, <FNM> directs AnyOrder to use the individual's first name.  Thus, the first name will be extracted from the billing name or shipping name, and when the message is pasted in place, the first name will appear at the top, i.e. "Dear Jason."

Here's another example.  Let's say you would like to use "To Our Good Friends at Main Street Bagels" for the salutation.  To do so, you would include the following in the first line of your prepared message:

<NAME> To Our Good Friends at

In this example, <NAME> directs AnyOrder to use the full name of the company in the salutation line.  The full billing or shipping name will appear at the top of message when pasted in place, i.e. "To Our Good Friends at Main Street Bagels."

When you use this technique, always put the salutation designator on the first line of the prepared message and make sure that <NAME>, <FNM>, or <LNM> is in all capital letters.  If <SUBJECT> is used, the salutation designator should follow it.

Here an example of a combination of subject and name designators:

<SUBJECT> Thanks for your Order!  <NAME> To Our Good Friends at

Remember that both designators go on the first line of your prepared message and order is important.  When you use the two designators, <SUBJECT> should be first and <NAME> should be second.