Email: Internal Email System

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This is a Level 7 feature


This feature provides you with a built-in email client which allows you to send messages and attached Invoices to customers.  You can compose a personal message to the customer, or, if desired, you can bring up a default message that you have created.  You can configure the default message to automatically insert the customer's name, invoice number, and/or shipping method into the subject or message of the email.

The internal email client is accessed from the Main Invoice Screen.  The following illustration show the two buttons (in  purple) which access it:


You'll can also access the built-in email client from other parts of the the program.  It can be accessed from Billing Statements.  Along with an attached copy of the billing statement, you can include a personal message or a pre-composed message.  Similar email features are also available for sending royalty reports and statements, and purchase orders.  Finally, you'll find internal email capabilities in the Primary Contact Manager, Final Shipping & Packing Tasks, and the Customer Database.

That's not all.  The built-in email client can also be used to send bulk emails to customers.  Bulk email capabilities are found in the Mailing List Module and the Customer Database.

To use the built-in email system, you'll need to enter information about your company's email account in Basic Program Set-up: More Information.

Once you've done that, you'll be able to use email functions within the program.  This section highlights the auto send feature