Basic Export:
List of Fields

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The following information is for Simple or Basic Export (available with Level 2 programs or higher).  If you need more flexibility controlling the fields and the order that they are exported, see Advanced Export.

The list found below are the fields - and the order they are placed - in an export file produced by the Simple or Basic Export feature. A list of fields found in credit card or sales report export files is found at the bottom of this page.  For more information on exporting invoice records and credit card information, see Simple or Basic Export.

Both Basic and Advanced Export export invoice information including everything you see on the Main Invoice Screen, plus products, User Defined Fields and Shipment Information (if you use them). You can also export nearly any other database in AnyOrder.  Look under the File menu in various parts of the program for "View in Spreadsheet" (or similar).  If that menu choice is not available, you can copy the database desired (indicated by a .dbf extension) from the AnyOrder directory and open it directly in Excel or Open Office Calc.  Once in Excel, you can manipulate it, print it and/or move it to any other program desired.

Note that whenever an export file--in a delimited or System Data Format--is created, a supplementary file is created, named "Header.txt" which contains a list of the fields in the export file and their order.

In the list below, the actual field name is in blue.  This is the name that will appear above each field when the file is exported in the dBase format.  After the field name is brief description of what the field is. For example, "Bill_no" is the field name, and "Customer Group Number" is the description.

On the same line following the description is the type of field: Numeric, Character or True/False.  Finally, the type of field is followed by the field's maximum length.  For numeric fields, the first number is the total length and the second number is the number of decimal places.  For instance "9,2" means 9 total places with 2 decimal places.

Three field lists are shown below: Invoice Records, Credit Card Data, and Sales Information

Invoice Records: List of Fields

The list of fields--and the order they are placed--in an invoice export file are listed below:

Field Name, Description, Type of Field, Length:

Invoice_No (Invoice #) Numeric. Length: 6,0

Cust_No (Customer #) Numeric. Length: 4,0

Bill_No (Customer Group Number) Numeric. Length: 4,0

Bill_Name (Billing Name) Character. Length: 33

Address1 (Billing Address1) Character. Length: 33

Address2 (Billing Address2) Character. Length: 33

City (Billing City) Character. Length: 16

State (Billing State) Character. Length: 2

Zip_Code (Billing Zip Code) Character. Length: 10

Zip_Ext (Billing Zip Extension) Character. Length: 1 (No Longer Used)

Country (Billing Country) Character. Length: 20

Ship_Name (Shipping Name) Character. Length: 33

Add1 (Shipping Address1) Character. Length: 33

Add2 (Shipping Address2) Character. Length: 33

Cit (Shipping City) Character. Length: 16

St (Shipping State) Character. Length: 2

Zip (Shipping Zip Code) Character. Length: 8

Szip_Ext (Shipping Zip Extension) Character. Length: 1 (No Longer Used)

Scountry (Shipping Country) Character. Length: 20

PO_Number (PO Number) Character. Length: 25

PO_Date (PO Date) Date. Length: 8

Inv_Date (Invoice Date) Date. Length: 8

Taxable (Taxable?) T or F (True or False). Length: 1

Tax_Rate (Tax Rate on that invoice) Numeric. Length: 6,4

Discount (Percentage Discount) Numeric. Length: 4,2

Less_Disc (Less Discount) Numeric. Length: 9,2

SubTotal1 (Subtotal before shipping & discount) Numeric. Length: 9,2

SubTotal (Subtotal1+shipping and less discount) Numeric. Length: 9,2

Tax (Amount of Sales Tax) Numeric. Length: 8,2

Shipping (Shipping Amount) Numeric. Length: 8,2

Total_Due (Total Due) Numeric. Length: 9,2

Consigned (Consigned sale). T or F (True or False). Length: 1

Fee (This invoice indicates a fee charge)  T or F (True or False). Length: 1

Paid (Has this invoice been marked paid?) T or F (True or False). Length: 1

Payment1 (Paid1) Numeric. Length: 9,2

Date1 (Date1) Date. Length: 8

Quarter1 (Payment1 quarter) Numeric. Length: 1,0

Payment2 (Paid2) Numeric. Length: 9,2

Date2 (Date2) Date. Length: 8

Quarter2 (Payment2 quarter) Numeric. Length: 1,0

Balance (Balance) Numeric. Length: 9,2

Visa (Credit Card #) Character. Length: 16

InvClosed (Is this invoice closed?) T or F (True or False). Length: 1

Exp (Credit Card Expiration) Character. Length: 5

Netdays (Net Days) Numeric. Length: 3,0

Inv_Quart (Invoice date quarter)  Numeric. Length: 1,0

Drop_Ship (True when it is a drop shipment) T or F (True or False). Length: 1

ShipVia (Shipped Via) Character. Length: 25

Card_Name (Credit Card Name) Character. Length: 25

Card_Auth (Card Authorization Number) Character. Length: 12

Card_Ref (Second Card Authorization Number) Character. Length: 12

LockRecord (True when invoice is locked)  T or F (True or False). Length: 1

Select (True when invoice is selected) T or F (True or False). Length: 1

Phone (Phone Number) Character. Length: 20

InvCode (Invoice code) Character. Length: 3

NoRoyalty (True when royalties are not paid) T or F (True or False). Length: 1

ShipNC (True when shipping not charged to the customer) T or F (True or False). Length: 1

Select2 (Used only for filtering when Item-> is part of the formula) T or F (True or False). Length: 1

EmailAdd (Email Address) Character. Length: 35

PaidVia (Payment Methods: 1=Check, 2=Cash, 3=Card, etc.) Numeric, Length: 1

ISOName (ISO currency abbreviation) Character.  Length: 3

TrackingNo (Tracking Number) Character.  Length: 20

Sdate (S-date) Date.  Length: 8

NoTaxItems (Used when you have \NT items on the invoices).  Numeric, Length 9,2

RepCode (Sales Representative Code) Character, Length 3

TaxCode (Tax Rate Code) Character, Length 3

AdCode (Ad Campaign Code) Character, Length 3


List of Fields: Credit Card Export

The list of fields--and the order they are placed--in a credit card export file are listed below:

Field Name, Description, Type of Field, Length:

Visa (Credit Card #) Character. Length: 16

Exp (Expiration Date) (Credit Card Expiration) Character. Length: 5

Total_Due (Total Due) Numeric. Length: 9,2

Address1 (Billing Address1) Character. Length: 33

Zip_Code (Zip Code) Character. Length: 10

Zip_Ext (Zip Extension) Character. Length: 1 (No Longer Used) *

Invoice_No (Invoice #) Numeric. Length: 6,0


* With the newest AnyOrder file structure zip extensions are now include in the Zip_Code Field.  Even though Zip_ Ext is no longer used, AnyOrder continues to export it (albeit, as an empty field) so that export file continues to have 7 fields and avoiding any compatibility problems for those who depend upon the export file for card processing.


List of Fields: Sales Report Export

The list of fields--and the order they are placed--in a sales report export file are listed below:

Field Name, Description, Type of Field, Length:

StartDate (Starting Date of Report) Date. Length: 8

EndDate (Ending Date of Report) Date. Length: 8

Method (Accrual or Cash). Character. Length: 7

Options (Customer or Code if any) Character. Length: 45

TotSales1 (Total Sales w/o Shipping & tax) Numeric. Length 11,2

TotSales2 (Total Sales w/o tax) Numeric. Length 11,2

CashIncome (Cash Income) Numeric. Length 11,2

NonTaxSale (Non-Taxable Sales) Numeric. Length 11,2

TaxSale (Taxable Sales) Numeric. Length 11,2

TotalTax (Total Tax) Numeric. Length 11,2

BilledTax (Tax Billed) Numeric. Length 11,2

NonTaxCr (Credits on Non-tax Sales) Numeric. Length 11,2

TaxCredits (Credits on Tax Sales) Numeric. Length 11,2

TotCredits (Total Credits) Numeric. Length 11,2

NonTaxShip (Shipping on Non-Tax Sales) Numeric. Length 11,2

TaxShip (Shipping on Tax Sales) Numeric. Length 11,2

TotShipChg (Total Shipping Charged) Numeric. Length 11,2

TotShipNC (Total Shipping Not Charged) Numeric. Length 11,2

TotShip (Total Shipping) Numeric. Length 11,2

TotFees (Total Fees) Numeric. Length 11,2