Basic Export File Types:
System Data Format

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The System Data Format (SDF) is another file type which is common to many software programs and which may be used to export data from AnyOrder!  The file extension .txt is commonly used when naming SDF files, i.e. Invoices.txt.  System Data Format files have fields of a fixed length.  Each separate record or invoice is separated by a carriage return.

Note that SDF files are sometimes called Space Delimited Files or Flat Files.  They all refer to the same file format.

You can create a System Data Format file containing the information from one or more invoices by selecting FILE and EXPORT from the Menu Bar. Or you can create a SDF File containing the information from a Sales Report, by select FILE and EXPORT from menu.

For a list of the fields contained in the export file, and their order and structure, see Export File Field List. A list of fields is also included in the file "Header.txt" which is created and  placed in the directory that you designate in the Export dialog box. Each of the fields in Header.txt is separated by a comma.

The following is an example of a System Data Format export file containing credit card data from three invoices:

40012415783185160701 54.58312 South Main       83333-0001442535

47786032203693590901 38.504114 South Lloyd St. 99223   442573

56609900190562230103 45.73366 Old County Road 03781   442585


To help distinguish between the fields, each is colored differently.  In the example above, the credit card number is the first 16 places.  The expiration date is the next 4.  The amount is the next 7 places.  The address is the next 21 places.  The zip code and zip extension are the next 10 places.  The last 6 places contains the invoice number.  The number of places is determined by the field length as listed in the Export File Field List

For more information on other file types that AnyOrder! can export, see:

Comma Delimited Files

dBase Files