Translating the Invoice to Another Language

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This feature is reached from the "More Printing Options" dialog box.  To get there, you must first select FILE >> PRINT PURCHASE ORDER.  From the Print Invoice dialog box that appears, click on "More Options."  Finally, on the right side of the "More Options" dialog box, click on the "Translate " button.

This feature allows you to translate the printed invoice into another language.  In addition to language translation, you can also this feature to change the wording of labels on the invoice.  You can set up any number of different languages, and then select which language to apply to current invoice.

When you click on the "Translate Invoice" button (described above), the "Language Conversion Functions" dialog box appears.  To translate to another language, start by typing in the name of the language in the "Name of Language" field.  Then click on "Create New."

A new dialog box appears.  Listed on the dialog box are all of the labels used on a printed invoice.  Beside each label, type in the translated word.  Try to keep the translations to approximately the same length, or slightly shorter, than the original.

As noted above, you can use this area of the program to change label names.  In that case, type in an alternative name for the label.  It's not necessary to fill in all of the blanks, only those labels you want changed.

When finished, click on the "Close" button.

To use the translated words, select the desired language from the list box in the lower part of the screen.  Then click on the "Set Default" button on the upper part of the screen.  Finally, make sure that you place a checkmark beside: "Click here to turn on language translation."

To check your translations, print an invoice.  As you examine the printed invoice, you may find that you'll need to change or tweak some of the words.  You can do that by returning to the "Language Conversion Functions" dialog box.  Select the language from the list box on the lower part of the screen and then click "View/Edit Existing Language."

You may find that you need to make adjustments in the location of the various fields which appear in the upper part of the invoice, just below the customer's billing and shipping address .  The content of the fields can be moved right or left by using the adjustment feature.