Product Information Database

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If you don't want to worry about using catalog numbers (or SKU's), you can simply type-in an item and its price on the Invoice Screen.  The program will work fine without catalog numbers.

But . . . it is much, much easier if you assign catalog numbers to your products.  If you do, you'll be able to select from a pop-up list and have AnyOrder enter products on the invoice for you.  It's easy, quick, and, by far, the best way to go.  Also, if you would like to keep track of your inventory, find out how many products are sold or create royalty reports, then you'll want to make sure that you have assigned each of your products a catalog number.

Catalog numbers are kept in the Product Information Database.  To get there, select PRODUCT TOOLS >> PRODUCT INFORMATION AND CATALOG NUMBERS.

Note that AnyOrder uses the terms Product Information Database and Product Database interchangeably.

You'll find more information on the Product Information Database or products in general by selecting from any of the sub-topics listed below:

Product Information Database: General Information (Best place to start)
Changing Catalog Numbers
Mark-up Calculator (Product Information Database)
Printing Barcode Labels
Importing Products
Product Information Screen: Adding Inventory
Product Information Screen: Starting Inventory
How Starting Inventory is Recorded in an Inventory File