Adjust Placement of UDF Fields or Address for Windowed Envelopes

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This feature is reached from the "More Printing Options" dialog box.  To get there, you must first select FILE >> PRINT INVOICE.  From the Print Invoice dialog box that appears, click on "More Options."  Finally, at the bottom of the "More Options" dialog box, click on "Customer Address / UDF Adjustment.

When you click this button, a dialog box will open which will allow you to adjust the placement of the customer's address so that it lines up properly in an envelope with a window (shown below):


It will also adjust the placement of the return address if you use double-windowed envelopes (below):


For more information on double windows, see "Format Original & Copy for doubled-window envelope" in More Options.

Address Adjustments

You'll notice that the customer's address is printed at the bottom of the invoice.  When you fold the invoice in thirds so that bottom of the invoice touches the bottom of the envelope, the address will line up with the window in an envelope.  As long as you use envelopes with a standard placement of the window, it's not necessary to make any adjustments.  

However, a number of Far Eastern companies are producing non-standard envelopes and this feature was added to provide some additional flexibility for such envelopes.  There are limits to how much the address can be moved, but it should work with most foreign envelopes.  If, after adjustment, the address won't fit properly, you'll want to use standard envelopes or envelopes which are as close as possible to the standard.

In your choice of envelopes, you should keep in mind that you'll also want to use the envelopes with your billing statements.  The address may be similarly adjusted on a billing statement, but because of the general design of a billing statement, you'll have less room to work with.  Thus, before deciding on a non-standard sized envelope, you should also try it out in the billing portion of the program.

The adjustment is made by edging the address one direction or another.  One field on the dialog box allows you to move the address up or down.  To move the address down, use a positive number.  To move the address up, use a negative number.  Increasing or decreasing the number by one (1) moves the address one-half of a line.

The other field on the dialog box allows you to move the address right or left.  To move the address to the right, use a positive number.  To move the address to the left, use a negative number.  Increasing or decreasing the number by one (1) moves the address approximately the width of one letter.

NOTE:  To use this option, you must remove the checkmark from "Suppress printing of customer address when on its own page" found on the main Print Invoice Dialog Box.  If you have a list of items which perfectly fills out one page of the printed invoice, there won't be enough room to include your return address and the customer's address at the bottom.  However, when the suppression feature is turned off, a separate sheet of paper will be printed with the addresses.  That's all that will be printed on the sheet of paper, but you'll have enough to send the invoice in a double-windowed envelope.  If you don't remove the checkmark, the second page with the addresses won't be printed.

User Defined and Other Fields Adjustment

You can also adjust the position on the printed invoice of the following fields:  Attention, PO Number, Other ID, PO Date, and the two User Defined Fields (UDF).  These fields, if you use them, are found just under the customer's billing and shipping address on the printed invoice.

This feature is used if you provide your own label names for the User Defined Fields or if you use the Language Translation feature.  In those cases, you'll most likely need to make some adjustment of field locations.

AnyOrder estimates the width of the labels, but since the font used for labels is a proportional font, the width can vary depending upon the characters making up the label.  Thus, you may find that the contents overlap onto the label or they are positioned too far away.

You can fine tune the placement to left or right.  To move the contents of the field to the right, use a positive number.  To move the field contents to the left, use a negative number.  Increasing or decreasing the number by one (1) moves the contents approximately the width of one letter.

The second User Defined Field has an additional option.  Since it located on the right side of the invoice, you have the ability to move both the UDF label and its contents.  To move either the label or its contents to the right, use a positive number.  To move either to the left, use a negative number.  Moreover, you can re-position the second User Defined Field so that it appears just below the first User Defined Field.  This works fine if the combined size of the label and the contents are not too wide.  If you have wide fields, however, it can overlap into other printed areas on the invoice.  If you use this option, make sure that the longest possible field fits within the appropriate space.

Graphics: Reducing Width

If you have a long business name or address and you use graphics on your invoice, it is possible for the graphics to slightly overlap into the printed area.  On the bottom of the dialog box, you'll see the following: "Width of Upper Left and Upper Right Graphic."  This adjustment allows you to narrow the graphic so that you'll be to see all of your business name and address.  Use negative numbers.  Negative numbers mean that the graphic will be reduced in size.