Move Invoices to Storage – Method 1

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This is one method of moving invoices to storage.  If you have the network version of AnyOrder Level VII, you can also use the Rover Method

After you build up three or more years of invoices, and you are no longer using the old invoices, you may wish to move some of the old invoices to storage.  This can help speed up some processes like the preparation of billing statements and inventory reports.  Plan to leave at least two years of invoices for accounting and tax purposes.  Before using the "Move to Storage" function write down the invoice numbers of those invoices you want to move.  Start with the first invoice in the file and determine the number of the last invoice that will be moved. Remember, leave at least two years of working invoices.

To access this portion of the program, select FILE and MOVE INVOICES TO STORAGE from the Menu Bar.  On the dialog box that appears, the first invoice number in the file will already be entered in the first blank.  In the second blank, enter the last invoice number to be moved, making sure that at least two years of invoices remain beyond the last number. Once invoices are moved to storage, they can't be moved back again.

In the Target Drive/Directory blank, indicate where you'd like to move the invoices.  Storage files can be stored on hard drives, diskettes, zip disks, CD's, and other types of storage media.  If you double-click the mouse in this blank, a list of available drives and directories will appear.

In the last blank, type in a file name.  You might want to include the years in the file name such as Year02To03.  You have 15 characters to work with.  Leave off the extension and avoid using names with spaces in them.  If you don't want to include the customer and product information databases, remove the checkmark at the bottom of the dialog box.  It is a good idea to include them, since if sometime in the future, you want to view the files, they will be available along with the invoice files.

When everything is ready, press the "Begin Storage Process" button.  Before the files are moved, the program will calculated the needed disk space on the target disk.  If there's not enough room, it will inform you.  If there is room, the files will be moved and placed in a special storage file format.  You can look at invoices in storage files at any time by using the View Storage function.  It is not possible, however, to move stored invoices back to your working set of invoices.

For more information on the names of the files used in the storage process, see: FilesCreated and Used by the Program.