Moving from Invoice to Invoice:
Go To Next (Or Previous, Last, First) Invoice

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If want to move to the next invoice in your file, select GO TO and NEXT INVOICE from the Menu Bar on top of the screen.  You can also press Page Down on your keyboard which does the same thing.  So does clicking on the right arrow ( > ) navigation button on the bottom of the screen (*see more information, below).  If you are on the last invoice and you select NEXT INVOICE, the program will notify you that it's the last invoice and will ask whether you would like to add a new invoice or not.

If you select GO TO and PREVIOUS INVOICE the previous invoice will appear.  This is the same as pressing Page Up, or clicking on the left arrow ( < )navigation button* on the bottom of the screen.

If you select GO TO and LAST INVOICE, the program will go to the last invoice in the file.  This is the same as pressing Ctrl+Page Down or clicking on the right arrow and a line( >| ) navigation button* on the bottom of the screen.

If you select GO TO and FIRST INVOICE, the program will go to the first invoice in the file.  This is the same as pressing Ctrl+Page Up or clicking on the left arrow and a line ( |< ) navigation button* on the bottom of the screen.


The navigation buttons are located on the bottom, right hand side of the Invoice Screen (see above).  They resemble the buttons found on a VCR, CD or tape player.  As explained above, clicking on the right arrow button ( > ) brings up the next invoice and clicking on the left arrow ( < ) brings up the previous invoice. If you click on the right arrow and a line ( >| ), the last invoice appears; and if you click on the left arrow and a line ( |< ), the first invoice appears.

Note that "Adv" means "Advanced Search."  It's available on Level 2 and greater programs.


The easiest way to move from invoice to invoice is to use PageUp and PageDown on your keyboard:
