Saving Invoices & Exiting Program

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The program automatically saves information as you enter it.  It is not necessary specifically to save invoices.  However, you should always properly exit the program by pressing FILE and EXIT.  This assures that all the files are closed properly and brought up to date.

Whenever you exit the program, you'll also have a chance to back-up your files.  (This can be turned off in Basic Set-up, but it's highly recommended that you keep it on.)  Backing up your files is critically important, and it is a primary way in which data is saved and transferred when you upgrade the program.

AnyOrder is primarily a database program.  Unlike word processing programs where information may be broken down into a variety of different document files, all data in a database program resides in a couple of key files.  If you lose or damage one of the files, you can lose a year or more of valuable data.  AnyOrder has many file protection features built in, but the most important is the back-up procedure.

This is so important that on AnyOrder's Main Invoice Screen, the "Close" option is disabled on the Windows control menu.  That prevents you from accidentally exiting the program and skipping the back-up step.

Important Note: At all costs, avoid turning off the computer while AnyOrder is running.  Always exit the program by using FILE and EXIT.  The important database files which hold all of your business's information can be damaged if you turn off the computer before exiting the program.