Payment Analysis

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This function is a diagnostic tool that works hand in hand with the Mark Paid feature and Billing Statements. It produces a list which includes payments made by the customer, where the payments are recorded, and which invoices the payment pays off. The list may be helpful in locating possible recording errors associated with customer payments, and it provides you with an alternative way of reviewing a customer's account.

The analysis only works when the "Mark Paid" feature has been used to record payments, and it assumes that no alterations have been made to payment notations placed in the "Notes" area (for more information see Notations Made by the Mark Paid Feature).

Payment Analysis can be reached from two different locations in AnyOrder.  One way to reach it is from the Main Invoice Screen (select INVOICE TOOLS and PAYMENT ANALYSIS from the Menu Bar).  It also can be reached from the Billing Statements Screen (select TOOLS and PAYMENT ANALYSIS).

When the initial Payment Analysis dialog box appears, enter the name of the customer for which you desire payment information.  For convenience, the current customer is listed in the blank, but if you want information on another customer, double-click in the Customer's Name blank and select from the pop-up list (for more information, see Pop-up List of Past Customers).  You can also type-in the customer's name, but if you type it in, make sure that the spelling and capitalization is the exactly the same as used on the invoices.  Enter the Billing Group Number (it's entered automatically if you select from the list), and also indicate the range of dates for which you want information.

When the proper information has been entered, click on OK.  All payment records will be tabulated and the Payment Analysis Report will appear.  The first column on the report lists the date when you recorded the payment, the amount of the payment, and the invoice on which it was recorded.  The second column lists the invoices covered by the payment.  If the payment only paid off one invoice, then only one invoice number will be listed and the invoice number in the first and second columns will be the same.  If the payment paid off two or more invoices, then all the invoices which were paid off will be listed, along with the amount (in the third column) and invoice date (in the fourth column).

AnyOrder will flag possible errors using asterisks (*), double asterisks (**), and pound signs (#).  Each flag is described in more detail in the notes on the bottom of the Payment Screen.

A single asterisk (*) indicates that the payment amount is not the same as the invoice (or the total of two or more invoices in the case of lump sum payments). In other words, one or more invoices have been only partially paid--or overpaid.  The amount may have been picked up on a subsequent payment, but the discrepancy is something to keep in mind as you review each of the payments.

A double asterisk (**) indicates a possible error.  In this case a payment has been attributed to a customer's invoice with a billing name that is not the same as the billing name of the customer you are analyzing.  Take a close look at the invoice in question.  The payment may have been attributed to the wrong customer.  If it appears the customer's name on the invoice is the same, double check to make sure that the name is spelled exactly the same as the customer you are checking--and make sure the group number is the same.

A pound sign (#) indicates a possible error.  The payment shown pays for an invoice dated after the payment date.  Unless the invoice was pre-paid, a payment will always be dated after the invoice is issued.  You should check to make sure the invoice has the correct date on it.  Also check to make sure the proper invoice number has been entered.

If no asterisks or pound signs are found on the list, and you still feel there is a problem, check over each of the payments and look for any inconsistencies in invoice numbers, amounts and dates.  It is helpful to first print a copy of the customer's statement.  Then as you run down the payment analysis list, you can check off payments and invoice numbers on the statement to make sure everything matches.  A mismatching payment amount or invoice number indicates a possible problem.

If the list is completely empty, it is due to one the following reasons: 1) The billing name or Group Number has been entered incorrectly.  Spelling and capitalization must be the same as used on the invoices; or 2) No payments have been made by the customer.  If the customer did not make any payments between the indicated start and end dates, the list, above, will be blank.

A note about two payments on one invoice:  In the rare case when two payments have been made on one invoice, and if the payments pay off more than one invoice, AnyOrder may not be able to pick up all invoice numbers.  In such cases, you may need to manually look at the "Notes" area of the invoice to make sure all relevant invoices are listed.

To print a copy of the Payment Analysis Report, click the "Print" button.