Authorizing a Practice Credit Card (Touch Tone): Getting Ready

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The following procedure runs you through a practice credit card using AnyOrder's touch tone card processing feature.

Note that information below is for Tone Tone Card Processing.  AnyOrder also supports Gateway credit card processing.

For: Levels 3 and Above

You'll want to start by setting-up the program for your business and testing the modem in Basic Set-up.

Once you have the program set-up, you'll need to obtain a practice credit card number from your credit card processing center.  Call your customer support number, and ask them for a practice number.

Most processing centers are happy to provide you with a practice number, but if, for some reason, your card center doesn't have a practice number, you can use your own credit card instead.   Your own credit card will work fine.  In the first transaction with the processing center you can practice authorizing a small amount on your card.  Then, in the next transaction, you can void it.

Start from AnyOrder's Main Invoice Screen.  Make up a dummy invoice (type in: "Credit Card Practice" in the Billing Name.  You can later void it--or type over it with a new name.  Enter the practice card number (or your own card number), expiration date, and amount in the appropriate blanks at the bottom of the invoice screen.  In the item area, type in "Sample Product" and enter a small amount under the Price column ($5.00 is a good round number to use).

That's all the information that you'll need to do a credit card check.  Later, you may want to practice doing an Address Verification check (see AVS for more information), and, if that's the case, you'll want to include the address.

Before starting the authorization process, place the reference information provided by the processing center in front of you.  When you call the processing center, the computerized voice may request that you key-in one or two codes.  For instance, our processing center asks us to key-in a transaction code.  If it's a regular sale, we key in "1".  If it's a mail order, we key in "2," and so on.  Your codes may be different.

With the list of your processing center's codes in front of you and the card number, expiration date, and amount entered on the Invoice Screen, you're ready to do your first authorization by clicking on "Next Page," below.