View AVS Numbers (Touch Tone Process)

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Note that information below is for Tone Tone Card Processing.  AnyOrder also supports Gateway credit card processing.

For: Levels 3 and Above

When you select INVOICE TOOLS >> CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION >> TOUCH TONE CARD PROCESSING  from the Menu Bar, the Authorization Process dialog box appears.  From the Authorization Dialog box, you can call a credit card processing center and key-in all needed information to authorize a card.  On the lower right side of this dialog box is the "View AVS Numbers" button.

The "View AVS Numbers" button is used to review the numbers AnyOrder! will use for Address Verification (AVS).

When you click on the button, the "AVS Values" dialog box will appear. The first blank in the dialog box contains the numbers that AnyOrder! will use for the address part of the AVS check.  The second blank contains the zip code which will be used.

Initially, AnyOrder! selects Address1 to be used as the address for AVS purposes.  If desired, however, you can change it to Address2.  To do so, press the "Change" button and Address2 values will appear.  You can switch back to Address1 by pressing the button again.

The actual address from which the AVS value is extracted is printed underneath the Address blank.  This allows you to visually check the address with the displayed value.  If you want to make any changes, you can make them directly to the value displayed in the Address blank.

If you make changes in the numbers or decide to use the second address instead of the first, AnyOrder will put a short notation in the Notes area on the bottom of the Invoice Screen.  This provides you with a record of what value was used.  Moreover, if you need to re-call the processing center, AnyOrder will use the values recorded in Notes.

When you exit the dialog box, make sure the values showing in the blanks are the ones that you want to use for Address Verification.  The values showing will be used by the program.  If you have changed back and forth between Address1 and Address2, re-set the value to the one that you want, then exit.

You also can change the way AnyOrder! builds the address value in Basic Set-up.