Print Multi-package Slips

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The Multi-Package Shipment feature is found in the Level 5 (or higher) program.

This feature allows you to print packing slips for multi-package shipments.  Multi-package shipments are those in which more than one package is required to ship the products found on the invoice.

Before printing the packing slips, you need to indicate the contents and the quantities in each package.  That's done by selecting SHIPPING TOOLS >> MULTI-PACKAGE SHIPMENTS from the menu bar on top of the screen.  For more information, see Multi-package Shipments.

After you have set-up each of your packages, you can print packing slips to enclose with each parcel.  For example, if three packages are required, the packing slips will be labeled: "1 of 3," "2 of 3," and "3 of 3."  Each of the packing slips will list the contents and quantities found in that package.

To print packing slips, select FILE >> PRINT MULTI-PACKAGE SLIPS from the menu.  A dialog box will appear that looks much like the "Print Invoice" dialog box.  On this dialog box, you have your choice of printing all of the packing slips, or you can print a slip for a selected package.  See Print Invoice for details on the remainder of the dialog box.