The Main Invoice Screen

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The Main Invoice Screen appears when you start the program.


To learn more about the Main Invoice Screen, click on any of the topics below.

General Information:

A Short Introduction to the Invoice Screen

Parts of the Invoice Screen:

Status Indicators (Upper Right of Screen)

Invoice #  -  Customer #  -  Drop Shipment (Top of Screen)

Bill-to  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code (Top Left of Screen)

PO Number  -  PO Date  - Invoice Date (Mid Left of Screen)

Phone - Email (Mid Right of Screen)

Item Area: Quan  -  Cat #  -  Item  -  S-Code  -  Price  - Item Summary (Middle of Screen)

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons (Middle of Screen)

Closed  - Code Box  -  Discount  -  Less Discount (Closed & Code Box: Upper Right. Discount: Lower Middle)

Net Days  -  Taxable  -  Ship Via  -  Shipping  -  Tracking #   -  SDate  -  Consigned  -  No Royalty (Lower)

Payment Box (Payment1, Date1, Payment2, Date2) (Lower Right of Screen)

Credit Card #  -  Credit Card Name  -  "1", "2"  -  Notes (Lower)

Invoice Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help (Lower Right)

Invoice Screen Menu Systems:

Top of the Invoice Screen:  Menu Bar

Speed Menu, What it is and Accessing It

Other Helpful Topics about the Invoice Screen:

Adding New Invoices

Calculating Totals

Credits: Indicating on an Invoice

Changing the Color of the Invoice Screen

Changing the Tax Rate on an Invoice

Deleting a Row in the Item Area

Discount and Less Discount

Entering Catalog Numbers

Product Pop-up List

Alternative Product Entry Screen

Entering Customer Names (Making Sure They Are The Same)

Entering Customer Payments

More Details on the "S" Column in the Item Area

Pasting Information from Customer or Product Lists

Pasting Information from S-Code List

User Defined Fields

Shipment Fields and Shipment Form

Barcode Features