Touch Tone Processing

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For: Levels 3 and Above

Tone Tone Processing is very simple and it's been around for a long time.  It's a type of processing which is available through most card processing centers.  It takes the place of card readers or expensive third party software systems, keeping overall costs low - although the cost per card authorization are generally higher.

Touch tone processing is normally difficult to do because you have the key in the card data by hand, using the touch tone pad on your phone.  But AnyOrder keys in the data for you, taking all of the work out of it.  It's actually fun to use.

The program calls the authorization center and inputs all the appropriate numbers, including Address Verification (AVS) information.  The user, then, types-in (or writes down) the authorization code provided.

The disadvantage of the system is that the per card charge is more expensive than Gateway processing and it's not automatic.  It's not something you would want if you process lots of cards.  But it is an option that is workable for some businesses.

More Information on Touch Tone Processing.
