Troubleshooting Credit Card Problems

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The following information concerns the Gateway Credit Card Module.  (For information on Touch Tone Processing, go here.)


The Problem:  You Can't Get the Credit Card Module to Start

When you try to start the Credit Card Module, you may get a message like this:


"The module 'C:\ANYORDER\ICharge33.ocx' was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x800200093."


Or, you simply can't get the Credit Card Module started.


If you receive a message like the one above - or if you can't start the Credit Card Module, you'll need to make an adjustment in your operating system.


In this situation, the main program file that handles credit card processing did not get registered as a DLL file.  DLL files are small programs.  In this case, the DLL file "icharge33.ocx" handles all of the credit card processing functions.


In order to access the credit card module,  you'll need to manually register the DLL file with the operating system.  Here's how to do it:


Vista & Windows 7 Users


Using the "Start Search" dialog box, type in the following: regsvr32 "C:\AnyOrder\icharge33.ocx"


This should register the DLL file.  Check it by starting the Credit Card Module. If the module starts, you're set.


If for some reason this doesn't work, then it is a permissions problem.  Try this:

1. Click on Vista or Windows 7 Start button.

2. Locate the Command Prompt menu item (buried deep inside Accessories under All Programs or appear on program access history).

3. Right click on Command Prompt.

4. On the pop-up, right click the context menu and select “Run as Administrator”.

5. Then enter:   regsvr32 "C:\AnyOrder\icharge33.ocx"


XP Users:

1. First click on Start, then Run.

2. Now all you have to do to register a DLL file is to type in the regsvr32 command, followed by the path of the DLL file:   regsvr32 “C:\AnyOrder\icharge33.ocx"

3: Now click OK and you should get a confirmation message that the DLL has been registered successfully.