Getting Started: Gateway Card Processing - Processing Test Cards

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For: Levels 4 and Above

Many Gateways require that you set-up an account before you can run a practice credit card, but AnyOrder comes with two Gateways which allow you to process test card numbers without signing up.  This is a great way of getting started and learning how the process works.

The first one that you should try USA ePay.

1. Start in the Gateway Credit Card Processing dialog box.  It's reached by selecting INVOICE TOOLS >> CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION >> GATEWAY CREDIT CARD PROCESSING.

2. Make sure the "Options" Panel is showing on the right side of the screen.  If it's not showing, click on the "Show Options" button found just above the "Close" button.  Then click on "Gateway Set-Up" which is located in the upper right corner of the dialog box.

3. The Gateway set-up screen will appear.  Click on the "List" button and select "USA ePay."

4. That's all you need to do.  All the configuration information has been pre-set for you.  Close out of the set-up screen and return to the main gateway processing screen.

5. In the "Options" Panel, click on "Test" button.  Remember to click on "Test."  That's important.  You'll notice that an orange colored "TEST" indicator appears, and the test card number, expiration date, etc. will be entered in the appropriate blanks.

6. Then click on "AUTHORIZE."

Using your Internet connection, AnyOrder will contact the USA ePay secure server and send the card information.  The USA ePay server, in return, will send back its response back to you.  It's all done in a blink of the eye.

A message will appear telling you that the card is approved.  Details of the response are found in the lower part of the screen.

Try doing the same thing with Authorize.Net.  First go to the set-up screen and select Authorize.Net from the list.  Return to the processing dialog box.  Remember to click on the "Test" button.  That inserts the test credit card number.  Then click on "Authorize."

For more information: Gateway Credit Card Processing and Gateway Set-up Screen