Billing Data Export

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Level II or Higher Feature


The Billing Data Export dialog box is reached from the Billing Statements Screen by selecting FILE and EXPORT from the menu bar:


This feature allows you to export billing data for the customer showing on the Billing Statement Screen.  All data found in the spreadsheet, including the rows and columns (Date, Invoice #, Reference, Debit, Credit, etc.) will be exported.  Note that only the contents of the spreadsheet are exported.  Because of the nature of this type of export file, the billing name is not included.  If needed, however, you can easily move the billing name and address by using "Copy Billing Address to Clipboard" found in the EDIT menu.

The export feature is useful if you need to manipulate billing data in some way.  Once in a spreadsheet program, for example, you can delete, add rows or re-arrange the data.

The following fields are included in the export file: date, invoice #, reference, debit, credit and balance.  Also included is a 'Not Paid' field indicating which invoices have not been paid.

You can export using three file types:  Comma Delimited, dBase and System Data Format.  More information on each of the file types (and exporting in general) is found in Basic Export.

You may find the dBase file type particularly useful for exporting billing data.  Spreadsheet programs, like Excel, will accept dBase files directly by using the FILE and OPEN menu choice.  Each of the columns and rows will appear without additional adjustments which are required for other file types.

Note that AnyOrder exports the numbers contained in the Balance column, but does not export the formula.  If you need to have the figures in the balance column recalculated on the spreadsheet, you'll need to manually enter the formula.  Set up the formula so that current balance is calculated by adding debit and subtracting credit from the previous balance: (Previous Balance+Debit) - Credit.

Note that while this export feature is available, in most cases, you'll find the following options to be more useful:  FILE >> EDIT/PRINT FROM SPREADSHEET and FILE >> AGE REPORT.  In these cases, the data is exported and dropped directly into a spreadsheet program, and it's ready to use without any additional import steps.


Other Information about Billing Statements:

Billing Options Screen

Balance Files

Balance File Screen  (Manually Update Balance Files)

Billing Statements Screen

Total Receivables & Payables

Printing Billing Statements

Batch Printing Billing Statements