Credit Card Processing

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AnyOrder has two credit card processing choices: Touch Tone Processing and Gateway Processing.  (There is one additional choice.  You can also export credit data to third party credit card processing software as well.)


Touch Tone (Level 3 and above) is an older system, but it is perfectly adequate for some business situations.  Advantages:  It's simple and is included, at no extra charge, in all Levels of AnyOrder starting with Level III.  Disadvantages: it's a manual system, and, therefore, slow and fees charged by the credit card company are generally higher.   More Information.


Gateway Credit Card Processing Module (Level 4 and above) Advantages: Uses an Internet Connection and has the fastest possible authorization times (less than 1 or 2 seconds).  Low per card fees.  Disadvantages:  Because of development and licensing fees, we need to charge an extra $149 to add the feature to the program.  However, it's not limited to one level.  You can take advantage whether you have Level 4, 5, 6, or 7. More Information.
