Basic Export File Types:
dBase File Format

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The dBase File Format is a widely-used format that many software products support and which can be used for exporting from AnyOrder.  There are several versions of dBase files and AnyOrder supports the most common: dBase IV.

You can create a dBase file containing the information from one or more invoices by selecting FILE and EXPORT from the Menu Bar. Or you can create a dBase File containing the information from a Sales Report, by select FILE and EXPORT from menu.

Use the file extension .dbf when using dBase files, i.e. Invoices.dbf.  Since the dBase file structure is a time-tested, stable structure for database files, it's the native format that AnyOrder uses to store its own data.

If you need to export data from AnyOrder to another software program and the program will accept dBase files, then you'll want to do your exporting in the dBase format.  By doing so, the host program will retain AnyOrder's original formatting and field sizes.  For a list of the fields, their order and their structure, see Export File Field List.

For more information on other file types that AnyOrder! can export, see:

Comma Delimited Files

System Data Format Files