Deposit and Payment Report

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The "Deposit and Payment Report" provides you with a list of payments for a specified date range.  It's a handy feature when preparing bank deposits.  Payment reports include a summary of payment type (check, cash, credit card, etc.), total amount, and an itemized list of each payment.

Note that you can design your own payment methods.  To set up payment methods, select FILE >> BASIC SET-UP and click on the "Payment Methods" tab. More information

To reach the Deposit Report dialog box, select INVOICE TOOLS and DEPOSIT AND PAYMENT REPORT from the menu bar on the Main Invoice screen.  A dialog box will appear on which you can specify the dates that you want the report to cover.  You have three choices:

1) Today's date.

2) A specified number of days, starting with the current day.  For example, if today is September 3rd, and you enter three (3) in the box, AnyOrder will prepare a report for September 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

3) A range of dates.  For example if you enter 06/05/14 and 06/10/14, the report will start at (and include) June 5 and go through June 10th.


After specifying the dates, click on "Create Report." The "Deposit and Payment" report will appear.  It includes an itemized list of all payments, a total amount, and subtotals for check, cash, and all of your own user defined methods.

The payment type is determined by the contents of the black rectangle just to the right of the word "PAYMENTS" in the Payment Box.  Payment type can be either check, cash, card and methods that you designate.  If you don't keep track of the payment type (or you've missed indicating a payment type for one or more of the recorded payments), the appropriate amount will be shown as "No Designation."  To print a copy of the report, click on the "Print" button.