Master List of Sales Reports

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The Master List of Sales Reports is reached by selecting MAIN TASKS >> MASTER LIST OF SALES REPORTS.  From the dialog box that appears, you have a number or report choices:


Sales by Customer

Produces a report with a breakdown of sales by customer.  The report uses the customers in your Customer Information Database.  Once the report is generated, you format and print it by clicking on the "Edit/Print Spreadsheet" button. More Information

Tax Rate Report

Use this if you utilize more than one tax rate.  The report provides a list of rates, sales associated with the rate and amount of tax collected per rate. More Information

Advertising Campaign Report

Produces an advertising campaign report.  If you don't track ad campaigns, this may also be used to produce a sales report according to assigned code. More information

Sales Report by General Invoice Code

Produces a sales report according to the assigned invoice code.  Can be used to obtain sales information according to your own categories or breakdowns. More information

Sales Commissions Report

Creates a sales commission report.  Shows the amount of sales assigned to sales representatives and earned commissions. More information

Yearly Sales Report

Use this to create a report showing all sales activity for a selected year.  (This may also be reached by selecting MAIN TASKS and YEARLY SALES REPORT) More Information

Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily Sales Report

Produces a report for a selected period of time.  Use this, also, if you have only one tax rate and wish to create tax report.  (Same as selecting MAIN TASKS and SALES & SALES TAX REPORT.) More Information


Also See:  Product Reports

In addition the sales reports listed above, you can also generate a series of product reports.  For more information: Product Reports.