Parts of the Invoice Screen:
Payment Box: Payment1, Date1,
Payment2, Date2

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The Payment Box is located in the lower right hand corner of the Main Invoice Screen:


Payment Box

The Payment Box is where you enter customer payments.  Usually a customer will pay off an invoice with one payment, and you would enter the amount in "Payment1" and the date of the payment in "Date1." The number just following the date is the calendar year quarter in which the payment was made.  If a customer takes two payments to pay off the invoice, a second payment and date can be entered in "Payment2" and "Date2."  The payment blanks can also be used to pay off several invoices (See Payments by Customers).

We have also prepared an illustrated guide which describes how the Payment Box works.  You can reach the guide by clicking here: How to Record Payments in AnyOrder



Payment Method

The small black rectangle to the right of the word "PAYMENTS" is used to indicate payment type: check, cash, credit card, or other.  To use it, click the down arrow and select the appropriate type.  If you've clicked on the down arrow and have decided not to enter a payment type, click on the blank space at the top of the list.  If you click on the blank, nothing will be entered in the payment type blank.

You set-up your own payment methods in Basic Set-up.

Payment method is an optional feature, but you may find it helpful when preparing bank deposits.  It works hand in hand with the Deposit and Payment Report.  If you've indicated the payment type, a summary of the totals for each category (cash, check, credit cards, and other) will appear on the deposit report, easing preparation time for bank deposits.


Mark Paid Status Messages

If you use the Mark Paid feature of the program (Mark Paid is turned on by default), the Payment Box will also include the payment status.  The status message will appear under the word "PAYMENTS."  The following are a list of payment status messages:

Blank. Nothing Indicated.  This invoice has not been paid.  (Or the "Mark Paid" feature of the program has been turned off in Basic Set-up in which case no status messages will appear.)

Status: PAID. This invoice has been paid.  If the balance is 0, the payment recorded in the Payment Box covers this invoice only.  If the balance is not 0, the payment pays off this invoice and accounts for one or more other invoices.  The other invoices will be listed in NOTES.

PAID (Elsewhere). The invoice has been paid, but it has been paid off by a lump sum covering two or more invoices.  The lump sum payment has been recorded elsewhere on another invoice.  The number of the other invoice on which the payment was recorded will be indicated in NOTES.

PAID (Has Credit). This invoice has been paid, but the payment recorded is less that the total due since it accounts for credit on at least one other invoice.   The number of the other invoice(s) will be indicated in NOTES.

CREDIT. This invoice shows a credit.  The credit has not been accounted for as of yet.

CREDIT (Covered). This invoice shows a credit, but the credit has been covered by a payment on another invoice. The number of the other invoice(s) will be indicated in NOTES.  (This designator is also used for the second of two invoices in which one refund check was issued for both invoices.)

REFUND ISSUED. This invoice shows a credit and a refund check has been issued to the customer.


Other Parts of the Invoice Screen:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Invoice #  -  Customer #  -  Drop Shipment

Bill-to  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

PO Number  -  PO Date  - Invoice Date

Phone - Email - Barcode

Item Area: Quan  -  Cat #  -  Item  -  S-Code  -  Price

Item Area: Add,Place & Toggle Buttons

Code Box - Discount - Less Discount

Net Days  -  Taxable  -  Ship Via  -  Shipping - Consigned Item - No Royalty

Credit Card #  -  Credit Card Name  -  "1", "2"  -  Notes

Invoice Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help