Email Screen

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This is a Level 7 feature


The Internal Email Client is accessed from the Main Invoice Screen.  Look just below the "Email" address field (mid, right of the screen), and you'll see several buttons.  The "Open" button opens the internal email program:



"Open" can also be activated by selecting MAIN TASKS >> OPEN INTERNAL &EMAIL PROGRAM - MANUAL MODE.  It also has a quick key combination:  CTRL+G.

When you click on "Open," the Email Screen appears:




Note that in order to use the Internal Email Program, you must, first, enter some information in Basic Program Set-up.  To do so, select FILE and BASIC PROGRAM SET UP from the Menu Bar. Click on the "Email Set-up" tab on top of the page.  The Email Set-up page will appear: More Information

Email Screen

When you click on the Open button, a form appears on which you type out a message to the customer.  If desired you can manually enter additional names and addresses.  Separate any additional addresses with semi-colons.


Attach Copy of Invoice

By default, the email program will attach a copy of the invoice.  If you don't want the invoice attached, remove the checkmark.  AnyOrder actually attaches two copies of the invoice.  One is in HTML format which looks just like the printed version of the invoice, and the other is a text version of the invoice.

The reason for this is to make sure that your invoice gets through to the customer.  It's rare, but some email programs will block HTML attachments.  That's why AnyOrder also sends a text copy of the invoice.  All email programs will accept text attachments.  No matter how rigid an email system used by the customer, you can always be assured that your purchase order will get through to them.

Defaults Button: Default Message & Default Attachment

If desired, you can insert a standardized message into the email.  Do that by clicking on the "Defaults" button.  The standardize message, along with any CC,  BC, or Reply-to addresses that you have indicated in Basic Program Set-up, will be pasted in place.  You can, if needed, alter the standardized text and send the email to the vendor when you are ready.

In addition to the standardized message which appears when you click "Defaults," you can also have the program include an attachment.  Some businesses like to include promotional information with every invoice they send out.  You can designate an attachment at the same time that you prepare the standardize message in Basic Program Set-up.

Entering Additional Email Addresses in the "Notes" Area

Normally, you enter email addresses in the "Email" field on the Main Invoice Screen, but if you need to send the message to two or more individuals, you can enter additional email addresses in the "Notes" area.   When the Email Screen appears, it will include the email addresses of the "Email" field and the "Notes" area.  (More on how to use the "Notes" area for email addresses is found below.)


Associating Names With Email Addresses

You may wish to change the name associated with the email address.  If the individual to whom you wish to send the email is found the Address1 field on the Main Purchase Order Screen, click the "Add1" button.  If you find that you need to return to the Bill-to name, click the "Bill-to" button.   If the name of the individual to whom the email should go is found in the Ship-to field, click the "Ship-to" button.  And if the name of the individual appears in the "Contact" field of the Shipment form, click the "Contact" button.


Long Email Addresses

On rare occasions you may run into an email address that doesn't fit in the email address field on the Main Purchase Order Screen.  In those cases, leave the email address field blank and enter the address in the "Notes" area.  Surround the address in double angle brackets, like this:


If you click on either the "Open" or "Auto" buttons and if AnyOrder doesn't find an email address in the email address field on the Main Invoice Screen, it will look in the Notes area.  If it finds an address surrounded by double angle brackets, it will use that address.

Note that if you wish to add a name along with the above address, then you must surround the email address, itself, with a set of angle brackets:

  << Jacqueline Zimmermann <> >>

Use of the "Notes" area in relation to email addresses is explained in more detail below.


Notes Area: More Than One Email

AnyOrder has quite a bit of flexibility associated with entering email addresses in the Notes area.  As noted above you can enter a long email address that won't fit in the normal "Email" field on the Main Invoice Screen, but you can also use the Notes area to enter more than one email address.

To enter more than one, you must (a) separate them by semi-colons; (b) delineate each by angle brackets; AND, (c) you must include all of this in double angle brackets.  For example:

<< <> ; <> >>

Here's how it would look in the "Notes" area:


Here's an example of three emails included in the Notes area:

<< <> ; <> ; <> >>

It's helpful that you include spaces between the double angle bracket and the single angle brackets.  It makes it easier to make sure that you've included all of the brackets, but the spaces are not absolutely necessary.  AnyOrder works with or without the space.  However, make sure that there is no space between the double angle bracket: << or >>.


Notes Area: Including Names

You can include names with the addresses in the Notes area.

If the name of the vendor (which AnyOrder inserts) is not quite what you need, you can leave the email field blank and enter a name and address the Notes Area.  Use the same rules as above: (a) separate the names and addresses by semi-colons; (b) delineate the email itself by angle brackets; AND, (c) you must include all of this in double angle brackets.

Here's an example:

    << Susan Anthony<> >>

Here's an example of how you enter two individuals and names in the Notes area:

<< Jim Anderson<> ; Susan Anthony<> >>

It is not necessary to include names with all of the email addresses that you have listed.  You can have a name on one and none on the other.  Here's an example:

<< Jim Anderson<> ; <> >>


Email Limits

You can include several email address but there is a space limit.  The limit of the email addresses and names combined is 250 characters.  If you are adding several emails, and they won't quite fit, try abbreviating the names to cut down the amount of character space.  For large numbers of emails use AnyPO's  built-in bulk email program.