Gateway Card Processing - Set-up Screen

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For: Levels 4 and Above

AnyOrder supports credit card processing through a Gateway.  This section of the help documentation describes how to configure gateways to work with AnyOrder.

More information on Gateways and details on the main Gateway Credit Card Processing Screen are found here: Gateway Processing

If you are looking for instructions on how to practice with the built-in test cards: Practice Instructions

To reach this part of the program, select INVOICE TOOLS >> CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION >> GATEWAY CREDIT CARD PROCESSING. Once in the Gateway Credit Card Processing dialog box, click on "Gateway Set-up" found in the upper right hand corner.

Note: if you don't see the "Gateway Set-up" button, make sure that the Options panel is showing.  If not, look next to the "Close" button and click on the "Show Options" button.

You will need to log-in first.  To log-in, use your credit card encryption log-in name and password.  Or if you have set-up an administrator, use the administrator's log-in.  The log-in requirement is for your protection since the Gateway set-up screen includes at least one password.  Once you're logged in, you'll be taken to Gateway Set-up dialog box (show below).



General Information:  Gateway Set-up Screen.

The Gateway Set-up Screen is where you select and set-up your default Gateway, and, if necessary, configure the Gateway, so that you are able to communicate with it.

The top half of the screen (entitled "Regular Card Processing Configuration") is used to indicate a log-in name, password and any special configuration that a Gateway may require.  The bottom half is used to indicate a test card number, expiration date, etc. and any special configuration that's required for testing cards.

To select a Gateway, click on the "List" and select the appropriate Gateway.  You'll find Information on configuring the Gateway in the Notes areas.  The Notes area is not disabled which allows you to add your own notes as well.

At a minimum, you will need to enter a Log-in ID.  For many Gateways, you'll also need to enter a password.

Getting things set-up with can get a bit complicated with some Gateways, and if you run into problems, it may be best to contact outside help.  An IT person or someone with programming background, particularly web programming, should be able to get things up and running for you.

Gateway Number

Each Gateway has an identification number.  You shouldn't change the identification number.  That used by the internal processing engine.  The only time you would ever unlock this field is if you had added a new gateway, and you needed to correct the Gateway number.  Otherwise, it should remain locked.

If More Space is Needed for the Password Field (or Others)

Some Gateways may require you to generate a special security key which is used for the password.  Security keys may be extremely long.  The password field can only hold 50 characters.  If you have a password longer than 50 characters, click on the "More" button.

A dialog box will appear.  The dialog box includes three windows with unlimited space for particularly long fields.  Select the first of the three windows, and type in the security key.  Then in the Password field on the Gateway Set-up Screen, type in: SEE#1.  This means "See Window # 1 in the 'More Space' dialog box."  When AnyOrder processes the card, it will use the contents of first window for the Password.  You can also use this for other fields that are too long.  If the first window is used, then use the second window and type-in SEE#2 in the field that it's replacing.

Background Information: AnyOrder is Acting Like a Website Form

To understand how the credit card process works, it's helpful to understand the Gateway process. Gateways are primarily used for processing credit cards on websites. If you were building a website and wanted to build in credit card processing, you would begin by designing a form.  On the form, you would include fields where the customer would enter their credit card number, etc.  You would also include a button on the form that the customer would click when they were finished entering their information.

When the button is clicked, the data on the form would be sent via a web command (Form Action POST) to the Gateway's server.  That's exactly what AnyOrder does when it sends the information to the server.  It does it the same way as website form.

When the data is sent, each field is identified with a name so that the Gateway server is able to tell the difference between the credit card number, expiration date, etc.  An example of the name identifying the credit card number might be "ssl_card_number."

It's important to understand that you acting in the manner of a website designer identify the fields on the form with exactly the same names that are used by the Gateway's server. When the data is sent to the Gateway, it is sent in pairs.  The first of the pair is the name of the field and the second is the value of the field.  So if "ssl_card_number" is the name, it would come along with credit card number like 9999888877776666.

AnyOrder doesn't use actually use a website to send the name and values of the variables.  Rather it sends it directly, but it has to use exactly same variable names as would be required by website transactions.  For example, when AnyOrder sends the card number, it must use "ssl_card_number" (if that's the name the Gateway requires).

Importation Information: Obtaining More Documentation

To process cards through a Gateway, AnyBook uses software that was build by the n/ Software company called iBiz E-Payment Integrator.  (ICharge is the name of the particular portion of the software used by AnyBook.)  When trying to configure different Gateways, you may need to refer to the ICharge documentation found here: ICharge On-line Documentation.

In addition, you may wish to look at the documentation that comes with their software.  We have zipped this documentation into a file, and you can download it here: E-Payment Software Documentation.  When you open the help documentation, open the "ICharge" section.  Most of the information that you'll need will be found in "Properties" under "ICharge."

You'll probably also need to obtain documentation from your credit card processor.  The type of documentation that you will need is the same information that a web programmer would use to set-up credit card processing on a website.  You'll need to know what website variable names are used.  More information on finding this information is found below in the "Getting Information on Website Variable Names."

Special Fields / Configuration Fields

You'll see that a good part of the set-up screen consist of Special Fields and Configuration Fields.  Each field is made up of a pair of blanks.  The first blank of the pair is the name of the variable and the second is the value of the variable.

As described above AnyOrder is acting like a website form, sending variable names and values to the credit card company's server.

Most of the sending of variable names and values is taken care of internally by the internal processing engine utilized by AnyOrder.  But every so often Gateways have special requirements.  For instance, they may require a phone number in addition to the usual information.  Or they may require an email address.

Moreover, Gateways can change and add new required fields.  That's why AnyOrder includes a Gateway Set-up screen.  It allows you to configure Gateways even if they change things midstream.

In the Notes area, we have tried to indicate the most recent configuration information from each of the Gateways.  Some don't require any special configuration, and, for those, it's just a matter of selecting the Gateway and start processing cards.  For those that do require special configuration, we highly recommend that you obtain a copy of the Gateway's technical support manual. This will be same manual that web designers would use if they were incorporating credit card processing into their website.  The manual tells you what fields are required and the names of those fields.

The Special Fields area on the Gateway Set-up screen allows you to send extra fields when required.  As mentioned previously, each field (Special Field1, Special Field2, etc.) consists of a pair of blanks.  The first blank is used for the name of the variable and the second is for the value.

Let's look at the second blank.  It's used for the value.  Sometimes the value associated with a special field is a constant.  In other words, it's the same for every card processed.  Let's say one of the extra required fields by the gateway is a second password, and the variable name that Gateway uses for the password is "ssl_password2."  Let's also say that the password is "BlackBat123."  To set up a special field for the second password, you would set-up Special Field1 with "ssl_password2" in the first blank and "BlackBat234" in the second blank.

Note that you would NOT include the double quotes ('").  The quotes are used to make the names and values show up easier in the text documentation.

The value may also vary.  Instead of being constant, it may be different for each customer.  Let's the Customer's billing phone number is required.  The name of the field is "ssl_Phone_No."  To set things up you would enter "ssl_Phone_No" in the first blank.

But what about the second blank?  In this case, you can't type in a phone number, can you?  It will, of course, vary with the customer.  Fortunately, AnyOrder has a way of handling this.  In the second blank, double click.  A list will pop-up.  On it, you'll see each of the fields that are found on the Gateway Credit Card Processing Screen.  Each of the fields are proceeded with >>.  That tells AnyOrder that the variable will be changing.   In our example, you would select >>PHONEFLD.  Now when AnyOrder send the "ssl_Phone_No" to the server, it will come in with the customer's phone number.

Some Gateways may require the use of Configuration (Config) fields.  The Notes area will specifically direct you to use the Config fields when necessary.  Otherwise, you'll want to use the Special Fields.

Getting Information on Website Variable Names

You may find that you need to obtain more information on the variable names used by your credit card processor.

Remember, AnyOrder is acting like a form on a website, and you need to think in terms of designing a website and creating a form which will send the appropriate information to the credit processor's server.

If you're a web designer, you would need this information, and, in fact, this information is available to web developers (and you) in the form of a technical support manual or technical support information on the processor's website.   Look on their website and do a search for the manual.  It's there somewhere.  The credit card processor must provide this information or otherwise web developers would not be able to develop websites which process cards through their system.

With a little searching, you should be able to find it, and once found, it will tell you exactly what fields are needed and their names.

As you review the information, you'll need to think a bit differently.  The manual is oriented to developing a form on a website, and you really don't need to worry about the building a web form.  In your case, you looking for the names of the fields and their values.  That's the information you need.

How to Deal with Your Gateway's Customer Support Personnel

Most of your information will come from the technical support manual, but you may need to contact customer support personnel if you are stumped.

But first some background.  AnyOrder uses a license technology from n/ Software company called iBiz E-Payment Integrator.  It meets all encryption standards and has been approved for use with all included Gateways.  Nevertheless, but we found that customer support personnel have no idea about the iBiz E-Payment Integrator.  Their high-level programmers, or course, do know, but you never have a chance to talk to them.

Trying to explain AnyOrder and the E-Payment Integrator will only confuse them, and more than likely, it will delay any kind of support help.  Their job is not to provide support for the E-Payment Integrator.  Their job is to provide support about their Gateway.  Your best bet to is to tell them that you are creating a website and you have questions.  That's the kind of support they provide, and they are used to those sorts of inquires.  Using that tact, you'll make much better progress.

SSL Fields

First of all, let's define SSL.  SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer, a global standard of security technology. SSL is all about encryption. It creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser.  The link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browser remains private and secure.

AnyOrder takes care of SSL encryption.  When you send credit card data, it is sent in an encrypted form.  Some Gateways, however, require a different approach.  At this writing, LinkPoint and its siblings (FirstData and Your Pay) require special SSL treatment.  These gateways will provide you with a PEM file.  The PEM file is a special file that holds the digital signature for SSL security purposes.  The file is sent to the Linkpoint gateway when it opens the connection.  So will need to include the following:

 SSLCertStoreType: In this field indicate the path and location of the PEM file

 SSLCertStore: This also is the path and location of the PEM file

 SSLCertStorePassword: You password goes in this field

 SSLCertSubject:  *  (Just an asterisk.  This will pick up the first certificate in the store.)

Special Field (Turn off CVV).

This will be used rarely, but it might be useful in some situations.  Most Gateways require the CVV code, but it may not legible on some credit cards.  Some Gateways will accept a variable that indicates whether the CVV is present or not.  If it's not present, CVV code checking is by-passed.  Without the by-pass, the card simply won't be approved.  (Note: that many Gateways won't even allow the by-pass, so this field is not usable in that case.)

To use it, you need to type in the variable name the Gateway uses for whether a card is present or not.  That goes in the first blank.  In the second blank, type in the variable for "not present."  For example, let's say the CVV presence variable name is "ssl-cvv2cv2_indicator."  And let's say that zero (0) means "Not Present."   You would type in "ssl-cvv2cv2_indicator" in the first blank and "0" in the second.  (Once again, remember don't type in the double quotes (").  To find out the names for this variable, you'll need to refer to the gateway's technical support manual.

When you enter values in these two blanks, a "No CVV" checkbox will appear beside the CVV field on the main Gateway Processing screen.  Place a checkmark here each time you want to tell the Gateway server that the CVV code is not present.

Special Field (General Turn-off).

This is also a very rarely used field.  It works similar to the "Turn off CVV) above.  Use it when you need to turn off particular field.  In the first blank, type in the variable name of the field and in the second blank, type in the variable for "off."

AVS Address: Number Only.

Place a checkmark here when you want AnyOrder to filter out the name of the street and use only the street number.  You can do this on an individual basis by using the "AVS Numbers Only" button on the on the main Gateway Processing screen, but normally it's better to use this feature and have it done automatically.  Note that some Gateways claim that including the street name along the numbers is acceptable, but you may find that the Gateway also has a limit on the length of the address.  If you get an "AVS Address Too Long" message, it once again, it's easier to place a checkmark here and make sure the address is always converted to numbers only.

No Decimal 1.00 = 100.

Place a checkmark here when your Gateway doesn't allow decimals.  AnyOrder will converts the amount to a whole number before sending it to the Gateway.  For example 75.21 becomes 7521.

Create Cust ID from Card #.

Some Gateways require a Customer ID.  The customer ID may be the card's PIN number -- or if the card doesn't have a PIN number, then you must use the last 4-digits of the card number.  If you place a checkmark here, AnyOrder will automatically use the last 4-digits.  If a card does have a PIN, then it's just a matter of typing over digits that AnyOrder has placed in Cust ID field.

CVV Special By-pass.

At least one Gateway (MyVirtualMerchant) does not accept the CVV code through the usual channels.  If you place a checkmark here, AnyOrder will avoid using the normal channel of sending the CVV code.  Instead, it will be sent by using one of the special fields.  That means if place a checkmark here, you must also set up a special field.  In the first blank of the special field use the Gateway's required variable name.  For MyVirtualMerchant, it is "ssl_cvv2cvc2."  In the second blank, double click and select ">>CvvField" from the list.  Remember, don't include the double quotes (").

Testing Area

Use this area to indicate a test card number, expiration date, etc.  It's also used when the Gateway has a special URL or a special configuration for testing.  If tests require a special configuration, use the special fields in the test area.  (See above for a description on how to use special fields.)

Once you finished entering information in this area, you can access the test configuration by clicking on the "Test" button on the main Gateway Processing screen.

Some Gateways will provide you with a test card number, expiration date, etc., but do not require any special test configuration.  Rather, they use the settings found in the Regular Card Processing Configuration (found in the top half of the Gateway Set-up screen)  When no special test configuration is required, type in the test card number, expiration date, etc. and then place a check mark on "Use Test Card # but Not Test Configuration."  This mean that when you click "Test" on the main Gateway processing screen, AnyOrder will insert the test card number, test expiration date, etc., and when it processes the card, it will use the Gateway's regular configuration settings.