Product Reports

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Level 4 and Higher Feature


The Product Report list is reached by selecting PRODUCT TOOLS >> PRODUCT REPORTS.  From the dialog box that appears, you have a number of report choices.



Customer Revenues Broken Down by Product

When you select this report, AnyOrder begins by providing you with a list of customers found in Customer Number Database (shown below).


You can select which customers (or all customers) that you want on the report.  To select all, click the "Select All" button.

Enter the dates (or click on the "Options" button and select one of the date options).

Options available include the following:

Auto Select. Along with the list of customers, you'll see an "Auto Select" button (available with Level  7  programs).  By clicking this button, a group of customers will be selected.  This is handy if you have a group of customers for which you commonly create reports.  To create the group, go to the Customer Database.  For each customer you wish to include in the group, mark it with a letter in the Report Group field.  (The Report Group field is not named but it's the last field on the Customer Database Screen: the small one-letter sized field that follows the User Defined Fields.)  You can use any letter that you would like.  You might mark one group with "A's" and another group with "B's"  (AnyOrder will not distinguish between lower case or upper case so you can use either one.)    

To the right of the Auto Select button is a field.  If you enter "A" in this field and click the Auto Select button, AnyOrder will select all members of the "A" group.  If you enter "B" and click the Auto Select button, AnyOrder will select all members of the "B" group.  If you don't enter anything, and click the Auto Select button, AnyOrder will select all marked customers for the report."

Accrual or Cash. You can based the report on accrual or cash accounting.  The "Accrual Method" creates a report with all transactions for the range of dates that you indicate.  AnyOrder uses the invoice date for this report.  If the invoice date is within the time period, then the transaction is included.

"Cash Method" includes only those transactions paid during the range of dates.  For a cash report, AnyOrder uses the Paid Date.  AnyOrder will include all sales transactions if the paid date falls within the range of dates.  For sales transactions, the invoice date has no bearing on a "Cash" report.  It's the paid date that is important.  The only exception are returns and damages.  When it comes to returns and damages, it will use the invoice date.

An accrual accounting report is, by far, the most common and is selected as the default.

Use Group #'s. When this is checked, all customers within a billing group will be assembled together. The default for this option is checked.  If you remove the checkmark, then the report will list activity for each customer, rather than grouping them together.

Zero-out promotionals, consignments and others. When this box is checked, the the "Amount" column in the report (see sample below) will be set to zero (0) for any item with "P" or "C" sales code.  The "P" sales code means "promotional" item.  The "C" sales code means "consigned" item.  Thus, when this box is checked, any promotional item or any consignment item will be shown as a zero in the "Amount" column.  (Note that the "Amount" column is named "Price" if you move the data to Excel.)

What is the "Amount" column?  It is the quantity times price-each minus any discounts provided to the customer: (Quan X Price @) - Discount.

Note that because of limited space, the checkbox is labeled "promotionals and consignment" but this option includes more than just "P" and "C" codes.  It includes any other sales code which calculates the amount as a zero (0) on the invoice.  So, it also will set the "Amount" column to zero (0) for the following codes: Take-back (T),Hold Orders (H), Back or Hold order shipped (X), No Longer Available (N), Unacceptable Returns (U), Internal Use Code (I), and Inventory Adjustment (A).

The box is checked by default, and for most uses, you'll keep that way, but if you need the values from these codes, remove the checkmark.

Display Returns, Damages & Fees as Negative Values. When this box is checked, returned items, damaged items, and other credits (such as fees charged by customers) appear as negative values on the report.  This is the default choice and is handy for most reports since it allows you to sum the "Amount" column (named "Price" on the Spreadsheet) and obtain the total with credits (returns, damages and fees) removed.  If you'd rather have these displayed as positive values, remove the checkmark.

Start Process.  Click on the "Start Process" button to generate the report.  The report generator, then, creates a spreadsheet of the selected customers.  Under each customer is a list of products sold to that customer.  The list is itemized by sales code (sales, returns, damages, promos) and includes quantities and revenue generated.   (If you need data on customers not included in your Customer Number Database, use "Raw Product Revenue Data Report" option, described below.)

Below is a sample report:



Product Revenues Broken Down by Customer

Upon selecting this report option, AnyOrder provides you with a list of products found in your Product Information Database (shown below):


You can select which products (or all products) that you want included on the report.

See the above report for an explanation of the options available.

When you click on "Start Process," the report generator creates a spreadsheet of selected products. Under each product is an itemized list of customers with total quantities sold and revenues generated.  The customers included on the list are those found in your Customer Number Database. (If you need data on customers not included in your Customer Number Database, use "Raw Product Revenue Data Report" option, described below.)

The following is sample report:



Raw Product Revenue Data

This report generates raw product revenue data.  This is the same data used by the above two reports - and it also includes some of the data is used the Inventory Functions part of the program.  Raw data combines product, customer and invoice information and is useful if you need to create specialized sales and product reports.

Raw data includes all customers whether they are included the Customer Number Database or not.  It also includes all entries to the Item Area on the Main Invoice Screen whether the item has a catalog number or not.

For details on this report, see Raw Data Report.


Inventory and Sales Activity Report

This is the main portion of the program where you can generate a report which tells you how much you have left in inventory.   A variety of different inventory tools, features and reporting options are available.  (This may also be reached by selecting PRODUCT TOOLS and INVENTORY FUNCTIONS). More information


Consignment Sales Activity Report - Level 6 - 7 Feature

Level 6 - 7 feature. You can obtain consignment information from the Inventory and Sales Activity Report (see above), but the data is a summary all of your consignment vendors.  The advantage of this report ("Consignment Sales Activity Report") is that it gives you an itemized breakdown of activity with each and every individual consignment vendor.   Complete information on this report, along with a special macro is found here: Consignment Activity Report.



Printing the Above Reports

If you need to print any of the above reports, click on the "Edit/Print Spreadsheet" button on the bottom of the report screen.  This activates Microsoft Excel (or a spreadsheet program of your choice).  Once the spreadsheet appears, you can make additional adjustments, format the information and print it.


Also See:  Sales Reports

In addition the product reports listed above, you can also generate sales reports.  For more information: Sales Reports.