Credit Card Authorization Process (Touch Tone)

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The "Authorization Process" dialog box appears when you select INVOICE TOOLS and CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION >> TOUCH TONE CARD PROCESSING from the Menu Bar. The Authorization Process dialog box allows you to call the processing center and key-in all needed information to authorize a credit card.

Note that information below is for Tone Tone Card Processing.  AnyOrder also supports Gateway credit card processing.

For: Levels 3 and Above

Before practicing or processing any credit cards, you'll want to get the program set-up properly in Basic Set-up.  For more information on the credit card processing system utilized by AnyOrder, see Background Information.

Note: Before using the credit card processing feature in AnyOrder, you may wish to run through the practice session described in Authorizing a Credit Card for Practice.

Dial Processing Center. To initiate contact with the processing center, pick up the phone receiver and click the "Dial Processing Center" button.  You can also use your phone monitor instead of listening over the receiver.

When you click on this button, the appropriate communication (COM) port is open.  The open port is indicated by a yellow light that comes on just after the word "Progress" in the middle of the screen.  Once the port is opened, the modem calls the processing center's phone number that you have entered in Basic Set-up.

If you have an access number (which you have indicated in the Telephone portion of Basic Set-up) the access number will be dialed before the phone number.  If you don't want the access number dialed, remove the checkmark from "Pre-call Access Number."  The Pre-call Access Number checkbox does not appear if an access number has not entered in Basic Set-up.

If you have any trouble making the phone call, be sure to test your modem.  AnyOrder! has a built in test procedure found in Basic Set-up.  If your modem passed the test, but for some reason won't dial the processing center, try restarting your computer. Sometimes other software products will change the settings on your modem.  Restarting the computer will often solve the problem.

Responding to Processing Center Prompts. Once the call has been made, the computerized voice from your processing center will come on the line.  The processing center may first ask for your Merchant's Number.  What they ask and the order that the information is asked will depend on the processing center.  If the processing center's computer asks for your Merchant's number, use your mouse to click the "Merchant's Number" button on the dialog box, and AnyOrder! will key-in your number to the processing center's computer.

Note that some processing centers start out by asking for your "Bank Number."  If so, when prompted, click on the "Bank Number" button.  If you didn't enter a Bank Number in Basic Set-up, the button will be a gray color which means that it is disabled.

Next, the processing center may ask for a sale or transaction code.  For instance, our processing center has the following codes for different types of credit card transactions:  1 for a sale.  2 for Mail Order, 4 for credit, 5 for void, etc.  When you get your Merchant's Number, your bank will provide you with a list of codes.  Choose the correct code from the list, and when prompted, enter the appropriate code by using your mouse to click the number buttons on the key pad on the dialog box.

Key Pad. The key pad which resembles the key pad on a phone, is located on the left side of the dialog box.  You can key-in any number by clicking on the appropriate button with your mouse.  If desired, you can also use your phone's key pad or you can use the numeric key pad on your computer.  Your computer's keyboard is very handy, but you should be aware that one key, the pound sign (#), can't be keyed-in from your keyboard.  When you need to enter a pound (#) sign, use your mouse or your phone's key pad.

Talking During a Call. The processing center's computer will prompt you for other information including the card number, expiration date and amount.  To send the information, just click on each item with your mouse.  Through the whole process, you have control of the phone and what information is provided.  If at any time, a real person comes on line, you can talk to them and provide vocal information.

Recording Authorization Codes. When you have finished keying in all the needed information, the processing center will provide you with an authorization code.  Either write it down, or click on "Enter Approval Code," and type in the code in the appropriate blank.

Note that if you utilize the Alternative Invoice Numbering system, AnyOrder uses the card authorization field for alternative numbers.  In that case, AnyOrder will record any authorization codes in the Notes Area of the invoice.

Checking More than One Card. Most processing centers will allow you to check several cards during one phone call.  After you have finished recording the authorization information for one card, you can authorize another card.

To move to another card, press the navigation keys on the bottom right side of the dialog box.  You'll see the cards change underneath the dialog box.  The box is positioned so you can see the card numbers and card holder's names on the underlying set of current cards.  Once you have the right card showing, click on the appropriate buttons as prompted by the processing center.

How to Exit from a Phone Call. When you are finished checking cards, first press "Exit."  Then hang up the phone. It's a good idea to check to make sure you've disconnected the modem by picking up the phone receiver one last time to make sure you hear a dial tone.

There is a reason why you should press "Exit" and then hang up the phone.  The reason has to do with the modem and the open communication (COM) port.  When you first dial the processing center, AnyOrder! starts by establishing an open connection with the communication port.  You can visibly see the open connection by the "on" light which shows up just to the right of the word "Progress" in the middle of the dialog box.  The light stays on, indicating that the connection is open, until you press "Exit" or "Cancel."

By pressing "Exit" (or Cancel) you are closing the modem port and disconnecting your modem, releasing the computer's control of your phone.  Once the computer no longer has control of your modem, you can hang up the phone to terminate the phone connection. That's why you want to press "Exit" first and then hang up your phone.  If you reverse the order, hang up first then press exit, the computer still has control during the hang-up and your phone may not be properly hung up.  Of course, this won't cause any problems to your phone system, but your phone may appear busy for a time to anyone who tries to call you.

Note that if you don't press "Exit" (or Cancel), the modem connection stays open (the light on the dialog box stays on). As long as the light is on, you won't be able to hang-up the phone.  The light indicates to the computer that you still want to use the modem.  You can try hanging up several times, but as long as the light is lit, the connection remains open.  As soon as you press "Exit" or "Cancel," however, the connection is closed.

Unlike the Phone Dialer, the Credit Card Authorization dialog box doesn't have a feature which automatically disconnects the modem.  The feature doesn't work well in this part of the program since AnyOrder! doesn't really know when the modem should be shut down.  For credit card processing, it's easier to work without the auto shut-down feature, and giving you the freedom to authorize more than one card or key-in additional information without having to worry about the modem disconnecting before you're finished.

Double Check for a Dial Tone After Exiting or Canceling. It's a good idea to double check to make sure you have a dial tone after finishing a credit card call.  It reassures you that the computer has released control of the modem and your phone is properly hung up and available for your customers to call in. If while processing a card, an error occurs from a power spike or from a software malfunction and you just can't seem to get the phone hung up, just re-start your computer.  This will turn off the modem and close any open communication ports, giving you access to your phone again.

Progress Box. The white box under "Progress" keeps track of the information that you send over the phone.  When you press "Dial Processing Center," it informs you that the modem connection has been made and displays the phone number being called.  When you click on "Merchant's Number," it displays your Merchant's Number as it is sent to the processing center.  When you are requested to enter other numbers, it displays those numbers as you key them in.  You'll find the progress box handy.  If you ever lose track of your last entry, you can glance at the progress box and get back on track.

Address Verification Buttons. Two Address Verification buttons are provided on the "Authorization Process" dialog box for doing an address check of a credit card.  See Address Verification for more details on the AVS system.  The top two buttons ("Address" and "Zip Code") are used when the processing center's computer prompts you for the AVS address and Zip Code.

Prior to submitting AVS information, you can double check to see what numbers will be sent by clicking on "Check AVS Numbers."   This will bring up a dialog box which allows you to view the numbers, and make changes, if desired.  For more information on the dialog box, see View AVS Numbers.  Usually, it is best to check the AVS numbers before initiating a call.  The Authorization Process dialog box allows you to do so prior to the call.

Calling Problems. If you are having trouble making the call, see: Trouble Shooting Modem Problems.