File Maintenance Functions

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File Maintenance Functions are reached by selecting FILE >> FILE MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS from the menu on the Main Purchase Order Screen.  Eight tasks can be accomplished:

1) Re-index AnyPO's Database Files

2) File Compaction

3) Rebuild Primary Data Files

4) Delete Purchase Orders

5) Remove Row Locks

6) Delete Duplicates

7) Packing Process

8) Rover Transfer Delete

Note that another file maintenance process is a "total rebuild" of all data files.  You'll find more information on that process here.  With some file problems, it may not be possible to get the program started.  In that case, AnyPO includes a separate diagnostic program which will help you recover from these sorts of complications.  More information on the diagnostic program is found in Troubleshooting.

Re-index Database Files

AnyOrder uses a type of database file called an index file.  Index files provide rapid access to information in your main data files.  Re-indexing these files may help clear up the following problems:  1)The program seems to slowing significantly; 2) Some of the products are not appearing in the Item Area of the Invoice Screen; 3) Some the Billing Names and Addresses are not lining up properly in their blanks.

To start this process, select FILE >> FILE MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS >> REINDEX DATABASE FILES. When you select this menu choice, a dialog box will appear which explains the process.  When you are ready, press OK.  Once the files are re-indexed, the program will re-start.

Clean and Compact Files

This process copies each of AnyOrder's data files to a temporary file and then back to its original format.  This process can sometimes clear up nagging file problems.

It will also compact bloated files.  Under certain circumstances, frequently used database files can pick up extra space here and there.  In extremely rate situations, the file can grow larger than its normal size.  This is known as file bloat.  If the processes within AnyOrder seem to be slowing down, it may be due to file bloat. This procedure will compact bloated files, returning them to their normal size.  Before running this procedure you should back-up your files.


Rebuild Primary Data Files

This process will re-build the main database files.  If you have been experiencing data problems: frequent need to re-index, or transposing of data from one invoice to another, or corruption of data on the Main Invoice Screen, try this process.

It's highly recommended that you back-up the files before running this process. Also, if you are using the program on a network, we recommend that you run the procedures on the server.  If that's not possible, it can be run from one of the clients, but it's more effective when run on the server.


The process will re-build three key data files used by AnyOrder: Sales.dbf (which holds the bulk of the data found on the Main Invoice Screen, Sales.dbt (which holds the notes found on the Main PO Screen), and Orders.dbf (which holds contents of the Item Area on the Main Invoice Screen.)  The process begins with fresh, empty copies of each file, and then it runs through each invoice starting with the first and copies each field one by one.  In this way, the files are rebuilt from scratch, removing any possible rogue bytes that might be present in the original files.  After the files are re-built, the old files are deleted and replaced with the newly built files.  The program then re-builds the index files.

Delete Invoices

This process can be used to delete invoices.  Normally, you shouldn't delete invoices.  When an invoice is deleted it creates a gap in invoice numbers and that goes against good accounting practices.  An acceptable way of eliminating an invoice is to void it.  You may also reduce the number of invoices in your main file by moving some to storage.  This can be done after you have accumulated invoices for two or more years.

In rare situations, you may find that you have no other option than deleting one or more invoices.  The most likely reason to resort to deleting invoices may be because of an import problem.  Import provides you with a way of undoing the process, but if you accidentally exit from the program or turn the computer off, you may be left with garbled and unwanted invoices.  This process will allow you to remove such invoices.


Use this with great caution.  If you're not careful, you may end up deleting good invoices.  Make sure you know exactly which invoices should be deleted before using it.

This will remove invoices at end of your file.  (Use the storage method to remove invoices from the beginning of the file).  In the blank on the bottom of the dialog box, indicate the invoice number where you want the deletion to begin.  All invoices from that point to the end of the invoice file will be deleted.

Remove Row Locks

Once in a while you may receive the message: "Retrying Row Locks" or a similar message.  This is normal.  AnyOrder occasionally locks records when two competing process try to change a record at the same time.  This feature helps protect your data.  Usually you can exit from the message and continue work without further interruptions.  However, if while working, you encounter a number of these messages one after another, you may want to have AnyOrder run through the key database files and clear out any record locks that may have been set.  To do so, select this option.

Delete Duplicates

If a miscommunication occurs between two computers in a networking environment, you may end up with two invoices with the same invoice number.  In order for the program to function properly--and for your business records to conform to good accounting practices--every invoice must have a unique numfber.  If for some reason you do end up with two invoices with the same number, you should delete one of the invoices.  This function allows you to do that.

If you notice a duplicate invoice number, it's important that you run through the following process as soon as possible.

The invoice which will be deleted is the most recent one.  In other words, if you are paging back through the invoices from newest to oldest, the first one that you reach will be the one deleted.  In some cases, you may want to simply delete the invoice.  If it's an invoice that you need to keep, however, you'll need to re-issue it as a new invoice.  An easy way to do this is to make sure that the invoice which will be deleted is showing on the screen and then select GO TO and NEW INVOICE and COPY ALL.  A new invoice will be created with all of the same information.

To do the deletion, select FILE >> FILE MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS >> DELETE DUPLICATES.  Enter the duplicate invoice number in the blank.  Click OK.  The most recent of the duplicate pair will be deleted.

There's one last thing that you'll need to do after the deletion.  Go to the remaining member of the duplicate pair.  Look at the Item Area.  Make sure that the products listed go along with that invoice.  Whenever there is a duplicate invoice number, each invoice picks up the other's product list.  If after examining the Item Area, you find products that don't belong on the invoice, you'll need to delete them.  To do so, place your cursor on a product in the Item Area that should be deleted and press CTRL+D on the keyboard.  The row will be deleted.  Keep deleting extra products until the invoice has the correct list of products.

Packing Process.

Each time AnyOrder shuts down, it automatically runs a Packing and Indexing process.  This process keeps the size of your files trimmed down by removing any records which the program has deleted.  However, if you have particularly large data files -- particularly large data files on a networked system -- it will can things down upon exiting the program.  If exiting the program becomes quite slow, you can turn the packing feature off.  (You can also turn off the back-up feature, but we highly recommend that you keep the back-up feature turned on.)

The place to turn it off is FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP and click on the "Networking / Currency" tab.  If you turn it off, you'll need run the process manually every so often.  This is the function to use to manually run the packing process.  Note that on network systems, it is suggested that you do this on the server.  To start the packing process select FILE >> FILE MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS >> PACKING PROCESS.        

Rover Transfer Delete

This process is only available in the Rover module.  It is not used - and will be grayed-out - in the Main AnyOrder program.  If you are using Rover, however, you may wish to use this feature.  You can create invoices in Rover and then move those invoices to the Main AnyOrder program.  When you do that, you may wish to delete the most recent batch of invoices that have been moved from Rover to the main AnyOrder program.  This function allows you to do that.  It is recommended that you use this process soon after doing the transfer.  To start this process in the Rover Module, select FILE >> FILE MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS >> ROVER TRANSFER DELETE.

Before using this process, make sure that you do NOT open any invoice selection dialog boxes  Invoice selection dialog boxes include batch printing, export, filtering and back orders.  (When you open such dialog boxes, previously flagged invoices are re-set.) If have doubts on which invoices will be deleted, you can always manually remove invoices by using FILE > FILE MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS > DELETE INVOICES.