Inventory Discount Ranges

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Level 2 and Higher


From the Inventory Functions Screen, you can select from several Special Report options.  One of those options allows you to create an Inventory Report based on the amount of discount provided to the customer.


When you choose the discount option, the "Inventory Discount Range" dialog box will appear:



Setting Up Discount Ranges

In order to prepare discount reports, AnyOrder needs to know how you wish to divide the discount ranges.  Discount ranges are created in the top half of the dialog box.

Each range that you create will generate a separate inventory report.  The report will include counts of those products with a discount that fits within boundaries of that range.  For example, if you enter FROM 0% THROUGH 40% then all products sold from 0% (no discount) to 40% discount will be counted and the result reported in one inventory report.  If you enter FROM 40.1% THROUGH 55% then all products sold from 40.1% (no discount) to 55% discount will be counted and the result reported in a separate inventory report

When you type in a number, use a whole number, not a decimal.  Typing in FROM 0% THROUGH 40% means the discount will range from 0% (no discount) to 40% discount. Use 40 for 40%, not .40.

The first discount range always starts with 0% and the last range always ends with 100%.  In this way the entire range of discounts are covered, no matter what the discount.  Here's an example:


FROM 40.1% THROUGH 55%

FROM 55.1% TROUGH 100%

Numbers are entered in the right hand column only.  AnyOrder will automatically insert the next starting number. The starting number will always be .1 greater than previous number.

The use of .1 in the first column is actually a slight simplification to help make the dialog box easier to understand.  To assure that all discounts are covered, AnyOrder, in reality, works on a "greater than" basis.  FROM 40.1% TO 50.0% means that the range will actually extend from greater than 40% up to and including 50%.  Or another way saying it is that range is greater than 40% but less than or equal to 50%.

It's likely that once you have created several discount ranges, you'll probably use the same set of ranges next time you create a special inventory report.  By clicking on "Save as Default," AnyOrder will save your information, and it will reappear the next time the dialog box is activated.

When all the information has been entered, press OK to continue with the inventory process.


A Note About Pricing Levels or Quantity Breaks

This feature assumes that you have have entered a percentage discount on the invoice (either by the individual item or by the overall discount).  If you use Pricing Levels or Quantity Breaks, and no percentage discount has been entered on the invoice, then the invoice will not be included in the summary figures.  For example, let's say you have a product with a retail price of $10.00 and a wholesale pricing level of $5.00.  If the $5.00 price is not discounted by some percentage amount on an invoice, then it will not be included in the discount figures.  If the $5.00 figure is discount by 10% on the invoice, then that sale will appear under the range of discounts that include 10%.


Here's some other information on inventory:

Inventory Functions

Starting Inventory

How Starting Inventory is Recorded in an Inventory File.

Adding Inventory

Manually Updating Inventory

Inventory Files

Inventory Functions

Inventory Report Screen

Reconciling Inventory

Real Time Inventory