Changing Catalog Numbers

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This section of the help documentation covers what you should do in the event that you make a change to one or more catalog numbers.

Let's look at this a bit closer.  Let's say you originally assigned a catalog number of CH/WOF to a product.  Catalog numbers are assigned in the Product Information Database.



After you assign the number, in the normal course of business, you create a number of invoices with CH/WOF on them.  Now let's say that you change the catalog number in the Product Information Database to B/WOF.  The invoices that you now create will have the new catalog number of B/WOF on them.

You'll now have invoices with two different catalog numbers for the same product, including CH/WOF and B/WOF.  This will cause all sorts of problems when you try to run inventory since AnyOrder assumes that all products have consistent catalog numbers.

Can you change catalog numbers?  Sure.  It's quite all right to change a catalog number, but if you do, you'll need to follow the procedure described below.


Whenever you change a catalog number in the Product Information Database, there are two things you need to do:

1) Change it on all invoices on which the catalog number appears,

2) Change it on any Inventory Files that may have been created (i.e. InvEnd14.dbf).

3) Change the catalog number on the Royalty Set-up Screen.  (This is only necessary if you use the Royalty Functions portion of the program).

Why do you need to change the catalog number on all invoices?  When AnyOrder does inventory, it runs through all past invoices.  It uses the catalog number when it counts the number of items sold, returned, damaged, etc.  If you change a catalog number midstream, you'll end up with both catalog numbers -- the old catalog number and the new catalog number -- showing up on the Inventory Report.  To prevent that from happening, you need to update catalog numbers on the invoices from the old number to the new one.  Once that's done, the Inventory Report will provide the correct totals.

Likewise, you also must change the catalog number in the Inventory Files.  Inventory Files are used when you run an inventory.  They provide starting inventory levels for each product.  When you select PRODUCT TOOLS >> INVENTORY FUNCTIONS >> "Current Inventory," you'll get a message telling you what Inventory File will be used for the starting inventory values.  The Inventory File uses catalog numbers to record this information.  If you change the catalog number of a product, you'll also need to change the catalog number in the Inventory File.

In both cases, AnyOrder has a feature built in to assist you in making the necessary changes.

Back-up Your Files Before Beginning

Before beginning the following process, make a back-up of your data files (FILE >> BACK-UP FILES).  There is no global undo in the "find and replace" process, and should you make a mistake, you can use the Restore feature to return your files to their original state.

How to Make the Changes

To make the appropriate changes, follow the procedure below:

1. To begin, select GO TO >> FIND & REPLACE from the menu bar on top of the screen.  (More information: Find & Replace Dialog Box.)

2. First, you want to take care of the catalog number replacement on invoices.  To do that, type in the old catalog number in the "Find" blank.  Select "Catalog Number" from the list.  Type in the new catalog number in the "Replace With" blank.  Then click on "Find."

3. As a precaution, AnyOrder won't immediately allow to you do a "replace all."  It will have you make a couple of single replacements first.  This way you can check to make sure the proper replacement is being made.  After about three or four replacements, the "Replace All" button will appear.  At that point, you can click on "Replace All" and all instances of the catalog number will be replaced.

4. You'll want use this procedure for every catalog number that you've changed in the Product Information Database.

5. Next, you'll need to replace the catalog number in the Inventory Files.  The process begins the same way as above:  Select GO TO >> FIND & REPLACE from the menu bar.

6. Click on the following button on the lower right of the dialog box:  "Make Replacements in:  Inventory Files"

7. The "Replace Catalog Numbers" dialog box will appear.  Type in the old catalog number in the first blank.  Type in the revised catalog number in the second blank.  The catalog number is the most important -- everything rests on that -- but if you've changed the name of the item, you can also do an item name replacement at the same time.  (The item name isn't that important, but if you commonly use the "Manually Update Inventory" feature found in Inventory Functions, and you want to the name to be the same as the Product Information database, this is an easy way to make an item name change.)

8. Click on "Make Replacements."  AnyOrder will find all Inventory Files and make the catalog number replacements.  If you've changed other catalog numbers, then you'll want do the same for each.

Note About Inventory Reports: Once you follow the above procedure, your Inventory Reports (PRODUCT TOOLS >> INVENTORY FUNCTIONS >> "Current Inventory") should look better.  However, if inventory levels aren't showing up correctly, you may also need to use the Automatic Update feature found on the Inventory Options Screen.  In most cases, you won't have to worry about this.  The inventory levels will be correct, but if you've made a change in catalog numbers and a new inventory file has been created before you follow the procedure above, then you will need to use Automatic Update to re-create the new inventory file.  See Automatic Update for more information.

9. Royalty Set-up Screen Changes. (Skip this step if you don't use the Royalty portion of the program.) Start up Royalty Functions (MAIN TASKS >> ROYALTY FUNCTIONS).  Click on "Set-up Royalty Information."  Page through each of the records, and where necessary, change the old catalog number to old one.

This will update everything and you'll be all set to continue working with the program.


Additional Information about Products:

Product Database Screen: General Information

Product Database Screen: Indicating a Starting Inventory

Product Database Screen: Adding Inventory

Entering Products on the Main Invoice Screen

Scanning Product Barcodes

Entering Catalog Numbers on the Main Invoice Screen


Product Pop-up List

Importing Products

Running an Inventory