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Level 2 and Higher


Having up-to-date inventory information is invaluable in any business situation.  AnyOrder is designed to keep track of your inventory and provide inventory levels whenever they are needed.

Most of the procedures involving inventory are found on the Inventory Functions Screen (accessed by selecting PRODUCT TOOLS and INVENTORY FUNCTIONS from the Menu Bar), but the Product Information Database also provides some important inventory assistance.  In fact, it is the easiest place to enter information on a starting inventory or to record additions to an existing inventory.

The Inventory Functions Screen, on the other hand, is used to obtain current or past inventory levels or to give you complete control over the content of Inventory Files which hold all of your inventory information.

For more information, select from any of the sub-topics listed below:

Inventory Functions Screen (Best place to start)
How AnyOrder Calculates Cost of Inventory
Inventory Discount Ranges
Inventory File Screen
Inventory Files: Naming & Contents
How Starting Inventory is Recorded in an Inventory File
Inventory Reports: Info on Each Report Column
Real Time Inventory
Real Time Batch Processing
Reconciliation of Inventory
Reconciling Consigned Inventory
Sales Activity and Inventory Report Screen