Inventory Report Column Headings (Spreadsheet Option)

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Level 2 and Higher


One of the reports that you can view in Excel (or a spreadsheet of your choice) is the data found in the Sales Activity and Inventory Report Screen. There are quite a number of columns associated with the spreadsheet and this section describes each of the column headings.

First, a bit of background.  The Sales Activity and Inventory Report Screen appears after running an inventory.  To run an inventory, start at the Main Invoice Screen and select PRODUCT TOOLS >> INVENTORY FUNCTIONS.  Once at Inventory Functions, click on either "Current Inventory" or "Choose Start and End Dates."  It's at that point that the Sales Activity and Inventory Report Screen appears.

Once you've reached the Sales Activity and Inventory Report Screen, select FILE >> VIEW / PRINT FROM SPREADSHEET (DETAILS), below:


AnyOrder automatically starts Excel (or a spreadsheet program of your choice) with the data in place.  Inventories are a complex affair and the Inventory report contains a large amount of data.  The following explains what you'll be looking at:

ITEM - Name of the product

CATALOG_NO - Catalog number of the product

CURRENT_YR - Not Used.  This a field used internally by the program.  You can disregard it.  Has no useable value for the inventory report.

CURRENT_IN - Currently Available Inventory.  This figure includes the year's starting inventory plus any additions that you might have made during the year.  In short, it's the amount of inventory available for the above product.  The figure comes from the appropriate Inventory File which is updated every time you enter inventory levels in Product Information.  (You can also enter inventory levels directly to the Inventory File).  The amount of inventory available is the inventory level at the end of the previous year plus any additions during the inventory year.  If you have not been entering any inventory levels, then this field will be blank.

START_COST - Cost of Available Inventory.  This is the cost of Currently Available Inventory (CURRENT_IN - above).  This figure is arrived at by taking the Available Inventory times the cost per item.  If you haven't entered any cost figures, this blank will show 0.

ITEMCOST - Cost of the product.  This the cost that you have entered in the Product Information Database.

RETAIL - Retail price of the product that you have entered in the Product Information Database.

SALES - Number of Units Sold.  This figure is the number of individual units sold of the product.  (The Number Sold includes all sales recorded on the invoice with an "S" as the S-Code.)

PRICE_SALE - Cost of Units Sold.  The total dollar amount charged (after discounting) for the number of individual units sold (Number Sold, above)

NRETURNS - Number Returned.  The number of units returned (all invoiced sales with the "R" sales code).

PRICERETRN - Cost of Returns.  The total amount of credit that you have issued for returned items..

DAMAGES - Damaged items are those products which have been sold, but have been damaged in transit.  Or they may be returned items which no longer saleable.  Damaged items are indicated on the invoice with a "D" code as Sale Type Code.  Since the customer is credited for the damaged item, it reduces Net Copies Sold (see next).  Note that the number of damaged units is not removed from Ending Inventory figure.  Since damaged items have already been sold, they've already been accounted for in the "Number Sold" figure above.

PRICEDAMAG - Cost of Damaged Units.  The total amount of credit that you have issued for damaged items.

NETSOLD - The net number of individual units sold.  This is Number Sold (Price_sale) minus returns (PriceRetrn) and damages (PriceDamag).  Here's what the formula looks like:

Net Sold = Units Sold - (Returns + Damages).

That's different than "net change" in inventory which uses the following formula:

Net Change in Inventory = Returns  -  (Units Sold +  Promos)

PROMOTION - Promotional Copies Sent.  These are items with the "P" code.  The number of free promotional copies you've sent out.

REVENUES - Revenues are the total dollar amount that you've billed for the product (with returns and damages removed)

COSTOFSOLD - Cost of Net Units sold - often referred to as "cost of goods sold."

PROFIT - Gross Profit.  Gross Profit is the amount of revenue minus the cost for that product.  Gross Profit, as well as all of the figures on the page, is reported for the product named on top of the page and for indicated time period.

END_INVENT - Inventory (End of Period).  This is the ending inventory of the product.  It is calculated by taking the Inventory Available, adding returns--and removing the number sold, damaged and given away.  Here's what the formula looks like:

End Inventory = (Inventory Available  + Returns) - (Units Sold + Promos)

Note that if you have consignment inventory (summarized on the bottom of the screen), the amount of inventory that you actually have in your warehouse is this figure minus the Number Remaining at Consignment Sites (see below).

END_COST - Cost of the Inventory (End of Period).  This figure is arrived at by taking the ending inventory times the cost per item.  If you haven't entered any cost figures, this blank will show 0.

AT_SITES - Inventory Available at Consignment Sites.  This is the starting consignment inventory (Start), plus any Additions and minus any Take-backs.  For an example, see Consignment Example.

TO_SITES - Additions to Consignment Inventory.  This figure reflects the number of additional units placed at consignment locations.  (In other words, this figure includes all units with a "C" code.)  Also see Consignment Example.

SOLD_SITES - Number Sold at Consignment Sites.  The number of individual units which have been sold at consignment sites are reported here.  (In other words, all units with an "S" code as the sales code and have Consignment Item checked on the Invoice Screen).  The blank just to the right, reports the total dollar amount of those sales.  Note that the number of consignment units sold is a part of the "Number Sold" figure on top of the page.  Also see Consignment Example.

RETN_SITES - Number of Returns at Consignment Sites.  These will be consigned items with the "R" code and Consignment Item is checked on the Invoice Screen.  If you have consignment sites--such as a book wholesaler--which accepts returns, the total number of returns is reported here.  The returns are added back into the consignment inventory.  Also see Consignment Example.

COMSALES - Consignment Sales.  The total dollar amount of sales at Consignment Sites (Sold_Sites).  Note that the number of consignment units sold is a part of the "Number Sold" (Sales).

COMRETRN - Consignment Returns.  The total dollar amount of returns at Consignment Sites.  These will be  consigned items with the "R" code and Consignment Item is checked on the Invoice Screen.  (See RETRN_SITES above).

COMDAMAGES - This is the number of units which were damaged at consignment sites (items with a "D" code and Consignment Item is checked on the Invoice Screen).  This column has a specific meaning.  These are items that were originally sold to a customer.  The customer, however, was credited because the items were damaged or defective.  Unlike returns above, no adjustment is made to the consigned inventory.

COMDAMAG - The total dollar amount of damages at Consignment Sites (see COMDAMAGES above).

GIVEAWAYS - Number Promos Removed at Consignment Sites (items with a "P" code and Consignment Item is checked on the Invoice Screen).  This is the number of promotional items given-away as reported by consignment sites.

P_GIVEAWAY - Cost of Promotional items (see GIVEAWAYS, above) based on the item's cost.

REMAINING - Number Remaining at Consignment Sites.  This is the Inventory Available plus returns and minus sales and promos.  For an example, see Consignment Example.

END_NC_INV - Non-consigned inventory:  all inventory which is NOT located at consignment sites..  (This only appears on the Sales Activity and Inventory Report Screen if you have at some of the inventory placed on consignment.)

FEES - Fees.  If you have made out invoices using the "F" sales code for (fees)--and, in addition, if you have entered a catalog number--the total amount of fees associated with that product will appear on the Inventory Report screen.

TAKEBACKS - Take-Backs.  This is the number of items that you have removed from consignment locations. (In other words, this figure includes all units with a "T" Sales Code.

COMAVAIL - Inventory Available at Consignment Sites.  This is the starting consignment inventory (Start), plus any Additions and minus any Take-backs.

DISRANGE - Includes a label for the special inventory option which provides information on how many products are sold based on the discount offered to customers.  OR it includes the words "NORMAL INVENTORY."  Normal Inventory means that the inventory has been processed without selecting an of the special inventory options.

NOROYQUAN - No Royalty.  This is the number of books invoiced for which you've checked the box "No Royalty."  In other words, no royalty will be paid to the author for these books.

NOROYPRICE - The total dollar amount of no royalty books.

UNACCEPT - Unacceptable Returns.  This is the number of returns that you've received which have are so damaged that you will not be crediting the customer.  Unacceptable returns are indicated by the "U" code.  Unaccepted returns create no net change to the inventory.  They've already been removed from the inventory when they were originally sold.  Since they are damaged, they will not be returned to the inventory.  Thus, there's no net change.

ISBN - The other identifier for the product. This doesn't necessarily have to be the ISBN number.  It can also be a part time or other identifier.  It appears on the Product Information Database Screen as the "Other Identifier" field.

LOW_LEVEL - The level at which you want the low level warning to trigger.  More info on Low Level

WARNING1 - This becomes true when the inventory level drops to the LOW_LEVEL amount (above).  More info on Low Level.

WARNING2 - This turns true when the non-consigned inventory level drops to the LOW_LEVEL amount.  More info on Low Level

COMMISSION - Amount of commission paid (or to be paid) to the sales representative

CARD_FEES - This is the amount you pay in credit card fees.  A figure appears here if you have:  (1) indicated an average rate that you pay for card transactions in Basic Set-up; and (2) you have indicated on the Main Invoice Screen that the payment method was via credit card.

INUSEQUAN - Number of units which have been marked on Invoices with the the "I" code (Internal Use Code)

INUSEPRICE - Amount associated with the "I" code (Internal Use Code).  Currently this is always zero(0).

ADJPROFIT - Adjusted Gross Profit.  This figure removes invoiced fees, credit card fees, and sales commissions from Gross Profit (see PROFIT above).

STARTRANGE - The starting discount for the special inventory option which provides information on how many products are sold based on the discount offered to customers.

ENDRANGE - The ending discount for the special inventory option which provides information on how many products are sold based on the discount offered to customers.

PRICELEVEL - The pricing level for the special inventory option which provides information on how many products are sold based on the pricing level.

COMCALC - This field turns True when sales commissions have been calculated.

RSELECT - Not Used.

INVOICE_NO - Last Invoice Number.  Used in Level 5 - 7. Real Time Processing starts from this invoice number and determines ending inventory values.  It's used internally by the program and you can disregard it.

LOG_FILENM - This is used by the Royalty Part of the program when a log file is created.  You can disregard it for inventory purposes

INV_ADJUST - The field is used by the Inventory Reconciliation feature.  It adjusts the inventory up or down depending on actual warehouse counts.  It's already been taken into consideration when preparing the inventory report and you can disregard it.

REALZERO - In the Product Information Database, you can indicate that you want the product included in Real Time Inventory Processing even if there's no starting inventory.  Normally, if starting inventory has not been entered for a product (or the starting inventory is zero), AnyOrder assumes that you do not want to include the product in Real Time Inventory Processing.  But this field changes that behavior so that the product is included: More Information.  This is used internally the Real Time Inventory, and isn't important from an inventory standpoint.  You can disregard it.

SHIPFEES - This field holds the shipping fees that you pay (and not paid by the customer).  It is the amount of Shipping fees that you pay (which are indicated by a blue color font in the shipping field on the Main Invoice Screen) which have been apportioned according the quantities of the products listed on the invoices.  This is used in the Royalty part of the program if you have elect  to remove these fees from an individual's royalty.

OTHERFEES - This currently is the same as CARD_FEES above and used by the Royalty part of the program if you desire to remove "Other Fees" before calculating a individual's royalty.    It is the amount you pay in credit card fees and which have been apportioned to the product according to the quantities of the products listed on each invoice..  A figure appears here if you have:  (1) indicated an average rate that you pay for card transactions in Basic Set-up; and (2) you have indicated on the Main Invoice Screen that the payment method was via credit card.  (This may be used for additional fees in the future.)


Example of Consignment Calculations

Here's an example which might be helpful for understanding the various consignment related columns.   Lets say that you have the following:

Inventory Available at Consign Sites

Additions to Consigned Inventory (on invoice is "C" code).

Number Sold at Consign Sites

Returns at Consigned Sites

Damages at Consigned Sites

Promos at Consigned Sites

Number Remaining at Consignment Sites

Take-backs from Consigned Site

Inventory Available at Consignment Sites




















Using the spreadsheet above, the program makes the calculations in 2 basic steps:


1. STEP 1 -  calculates the available inventory at consignment sites:

It takes the starting consigned inventory (At_Sites) at the beginning of the year: 200
Then adds any additional books placed on consignment during the period of your report - recorded with a "C" in the Sales Code column (To_Sites): 300
And finally, it removes any Take Backs (Takebacks) during the period of your report: 100
The result of the calculation gives you available consigned inventory at end date of the report period (ComAvail)


So our Step 1 formula looks like: ComAvail = (At_Sites + To_Sites) - Takebacks

ComAvail = (200 + 300) - 100

ComAvail = 400


2. STEP 2 - calculates how much inventory is left at consignment sites (after removing any books sold, etc.)

It takes the inventory available calculated above (ComAvail): 400
Then it subtracts the amount sold (Sold_Sites) at consigned sites and any your items the consigned sites gave away as promotionals (GiveAways): 50
Finally it adds any returns (Retn_Site) that have come back to the consigned sites: 5
The result of the calculation gives you the total remaining inventory at your consigned sites (Remaining) at the end date of the report period.


Step 2 formula looks like:   Remaining = (ComAvail - (Sold_Sites + GiveAways)) + Retn_Sites

Remaining = (400 - ( 50 + 0 )) + 5

Remaining = 355



Here's some other helpful information on inventory:

Starting Inventory

How Starting Inventory is Recorded in an Inventory File

Adding Inventory

Manually Updating Inventory

Inventory Files

Inventory Functions

Inventory Report Screen

Reconciling Inventory

Real Time Inventory