Parts of the Invoice Screen:
Bill-to  -  Ship To  -  Zip / Postal Code

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Near the top of the Main Invoice Screen are following:


Bill-to Name and Address (Billing Name & Address)

AnyOrder in its normal configuration has the following fields for the customer's address:  Name, Address1, Address2, City, State or Province, Postal Code and Country.  Most businesses will find this sufficient.  However, if you commonly work with long addresses, then you can configure the program to include an additional address field (Address3).  For more information, see User Defined Fields.

If this is a totally new customer, type in the name and billing address.  If this customer has a Customer Number then you don't have to worry about typing in the name and address.  That's automatically done for you when you enter the Customer Number.

If this customer doesn't have a number but has ordered at least once from you in the past, then click on the "L" button ("L" is for "List") or double-click in the "Bill-to" blank.  This will bring up a pop-up list of all past customers.


There are several ways of ordering the list and locating customers.  For more information, see Past Customer Pop-up List.

When you've made your choice from the list, click on OK or press ENTER on the keyboard, and the customer's name and address will be entered for you.

You can also bring up the pop-up list by: 1) pressing Ctrl+L; or 2) selecting EDIT from the Menu Bar and PASTE FROM LIST; or 3) by clicking the right mouse button and selecting "Customer or Product List" from the Speed Menu.

Note that the Bill-to and Ship-to blanks have a special Speed Menu (accessed by clicking the right mouse button.)  From this speed menu you can copy the entire address, paste a copied address, and copy or paste specially formatted addresses.  These handy functions enable you to do such things as copy an address from an email message and paste the entire address--including name, address, city, state (or province), postal code and country--without pasting each field separately.  For more information, see Speed Menu.


Postal or Zip Codes & Zip Code Extensions

The postal code box on the Invoice Screen will hold standard 10 character U.S. zip codes, 6-place Canadian codes, or 8-place British or international postal codes.

Ship To (Shipping Address)

In this blank, type in the company name where items are shipped.  If the shipping name and address is the exactly the same as the billing address, then leave the name, address, city, state, zip blanks empty.  As you tab by it, the program will automatically insert ----SAME---- in the blank for you.

If desired, you can type in "SAME" if you want, but be sure to use the word "SAME" and not some other terminology.  The program looks for "SAME" in the "Ship-to" blank to determine which address to use for the shipping address.

There is one other notation that you can place in the shipping address blank.  Sometimes a shipping address does not make sense, particularly when you provide a service to a customer.  For instance, let's say you are invoicing someone for advertising, or you are invoicing someone for design work.  In either case you are not shipping the customer a product.  In situations like these, you can type in "NA" (for Not Applicable) in the "Ship To" blank.  Whenever AnyOrder finds an "NA," it will leave the shipping address area blank on printed invoices.  Additionally, it will leave out the shipping line item at the bottom of the printed invoice.

Note that the Ship-to blank, like the Bill-to blank, has a special Speed Menu (accessed by clicking the right mouse button.)  From this speed menu you can copy the entire address, paste a copied address, and copy or paste specially formatted addresses.  For more information, see Speed Menu


Other Parts of the Invoice Screen:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Invoice #  -  Customer #  -  Drop Shipment

PO Number  -  PO Date  - Invoice Date

Phone - Email - Barcode

Item Area: Quan  -  Cat #  -  Item  -  S-Code  -  Price  -  Item Summary

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Code Box - Discount - Less Discount

Net Days  -  Taxable  -  Ship Via  -  Shipping - Consigned Item - No Royalty

Payment Box (Payment1, Date1, Payment2, Date2)

Credit Card #  -  Credit Card Name  -  "1", "2"  -  Notes

Invoice Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help