Parts of the Invoice Screen:
Closed - Code Box
Overall Discount - Less Discount

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The "closed" checkbox and the codes box are located on the upper right hand corner of the Main Invoice Screen.  Overall Discount and Less Discount are located just below the Item (where you enter products).



The closed checkbox is locate in the upper right hand corner of the Main Invoice Screen (illustrated above)

Click on the "Closed" checkbox to indicate that an invoice is closed.  A closed invoice means that you've finished work on it and all the items have been shipped.  The "Closed" checkbox is located in the upper right hand corner the screen.  More information: Open & Closed Invoices.


Code Box (Level 4 and above)

The code box is located in the upper right portion of the Main Invoice Screen (illustrated above)

The code box is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen.  It may hold two or three codes:  Ad Campaign Code, General Invoice Code, and Sales Representative Code.  To save space they are abbreviated as: Ads, Gen and Reps.

Ad Campaign Code (Ads). Normally, the Ad Campaign code is not turned on, but if you'd like to use it, you can turn it on in Basic Program Set-up.  The Ad Campaign Code may be used for tracking advertising campaigns.  If, however, you don't need it for tracking ad campaigns, it may also be used as a for general invoice coding purposes.  One, two or three letters, numbers or combinations of letters and numbers may be used.  To set-up codes, select MAIN TASKS >> VIEW/MODIFY CODE LISTS >> Ad Campaign List.  Click the small "L" button to the right of the blank to select the desired code.  More information: Ad Campaigns

General Invoice Code (Gen). The general invoice code may used in a variety of ways.  Since you can produce sales reports which are itemized by the invoice code, you may wish to use it to categorize invoices into different types of sales (like retail and wholesale).  You can also use it to categorize your invoices for different types of mailing lists.  One, two or three letters, numbers or combinations of letters and numbers may be used.  To set-up codes, select MAIN TASKS >> VIEW/MODIFY CODE LISTS >> GENERAL INVOICE CODE LIST.  Click the small "L" button to the right of the blank to select the desired code.

If you would like to work only with capital letters for your codes, you can turn on the "All Caps" feature by selecting MAIN TASKS >> VIEW/MODIFY CODE LISTS >> General Invoice Code List.

The code may be particularly helpful in some states which require you to report retail and wholesale sales.  You can code those which are considered retail with a R and those which are considered wholesale with a W (or some other code to your liking).  When you run annual or monthly sales (by choosing MAIN TASKS >> YEARLY SALES or MAIN TASKS >> SALES & SALES TAX REPORTS from the Menu Bar), and select the Invoice Code option, AnyOrder will calculate total sales for the entered code.

For more information: Invoice Codes.

Sales Representative Code (Reps).  You may also use this code box to assign invoices to selected sales personnel.  One, two or three letters, numbers or combinations of letters and numbers may be used.  To set-up codes, select MAIN TASKS >> VIEW/MODIFY CODE LISTS >> Sales Representative List.  Click the small "L" button to the right of the blank to select the desired code.  More information: Sales Representatives



Overall Discount

The Overall Discount field is located just below the Item Area (illustrated above)

If you are discounting this sale, place the amount of the discount in this blank.  The discount should be entered as a whole number: 25 means 25%.  The number you enter here will discount every product on the item list the same amount.  (If you need to discount products at different rates, you can do so by expanding the Item Area and entering the appropriate amounts in the discount column.)  For more details on how discounts are calculated, the relationship between the Discount and Less Discount blanks, and how you can work backward from a total and have the program calculated the appropriate discount, see Discount and Less Discount.


Less Discount

The Less Discount field is located below the Subtotal (illustrated above)

Instead of entering a percentage amount of discount in the Overall Discount blank (described above), you can also enter a dollar amount.  After you enter a number, the program will automatically calculate the percentage amount and enter it to the right of the Overall Discount blank. For more details on how discounts are calculated, the relationship between the Overall Discount and Less Discount blank, and how you can work backward from a total and have the program calculated the appropriate discount, see Discount and Less Discount.

Other parts of the Invoice Screen include:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Invoice #  -  Customer #  -  Drop Shipment

Bill-to  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

PO Number  -  PO Date  - Invoice Date

Phone - Email - Barcode

Item Area: Quan  -  Cat #  -  Item  -  S-Code  -  Price  -  Item Summary

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Net Days  -  Taxable  -  Ship Via  -  Shipping - Consigned Item - No Royalty

Payment Box (Payment1, Date1, Payment2, Date2)

Credit Card #  -  Credit Card Name  -  "1", "2"  -  Notes

Invoice Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help