Parts of the Invoice Screen
Buttons:  Navigation (VCR Buttons)
Calculations, Help

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On the bottom right hand side of the Main Invoice Screen, are several buttons.

The first button is "Calculate." The program automatically calculates totals on the Invoice Screen.  Sometimes, however, if you make a change to price, quantity or discount and do not move the cursor, you may need to manually tell the program to do the calculations.  To do so, press the " "Calculate" button on the bottom right of the screen.  This is the same as selecting INVOICE TOOLS >> DO CALCULATIONS from the Menu Bar at the top of the screen.


Following the "Calculate" button is a set of four small buttons resembling the buttons that are found on VCR, CD or tape Players. Use them for moving from invoice to invoice:

Right Arrow Button ( > ).  Moves to the next invoice.  (Same as Page Down on the keyboard.)

Right Arrow With Line ( >| ).  Moves to the last invoice. (Same as Ctrl+Page Up on the keyboard.)

Left Arrow Button ( < ). Moves to the previous invoice. (Same as Page Up on the keyboard.)

Left Arrow With Line ( |< ). Moves to the first invoice. (Same as Ctrl+Page Down on the keyboard.)

Note that if you are using the program and you encounter a network lock (a bright yellow "Lock" indicator appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen), the VCR buttons will be disabled.  To move forward or backward, use the Page Down and Page Up keys on your keyboard.

In this area you'll also find two search buttons.  Larger of the two ("Search") brings up the Basic Search dialog box.  On the screens of all levels except Level I, is an "Adv" (Advanced Search) button .  The "Adv" button  brings up the Advanced Search dialog box.  After starting a search, you can continue searching by clicking on "Repeat Search."



You can also control the direction of repeat searches.  Clicking on "Repeat Back" repeats the search toward older invoices.  "Repeat Forward" repeats the search toward newer invoices.


Other parts of the Invoice Screen:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Invoice #  -  Customer #  -  Drop Shipment

Bill-to  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

PO Number  -  PO Date  - Invoice Date

Phone - Email - Barcode

Item Area: Quan  -  Cat #  -  Item  -  S-Code  -  Price

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Code Box - Discount - Less Discount

Net Days  -  Taxable  -  Ship Via  -  Shipping - Consigned Item - No Royalty

Payment Box (Payment1, Date1, Payment2, Date2)

Credit Card #  -  Credit Card Name  -  "1", "2"  -  Notes